Health and Fitness

He claimed to cure cancer through purges: this convicted “naturopath” continues to practice illegally

He claimed to cure cancer through purges: this convicted “naturopath” continues to practice illegally

An investigation carried out by Europe Info into Miguel Barthéléry, a naturopath convicted of illegal practice of medicine, reveals that the man continues to consult via encrypted messaging. With two unintentional deaths under his belt (at least), how is this possible? The reaction of Dr Gérald Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens.

It claimed to cure cancer through the intake of raw vegetables and a good liver detox. Miguel Barthéléry, controversial naturopath, sentenced on June 1 for “illegal practice of medicine” et “usurpation of the title of doctor” no longer had to see any patients. Suspected of having indirectly caused the death of several sick people, the practitioner nevertheless continues his dangerous recommendations via Whatsapp, as revealed a few days ago by an investigation team from Europe info.

Appointments set remotely, without any analysis

In recent months, Franceinfo has infiltrated Miguel Barthéléry’s patient base. “Claiming an advanced tumor from the prostate diagnosed in hospital, franceinfo consulted the naturopath three times from March 2023 to January 2024, i.e. several months after the failure of its appeal to the Court of Cassation” specifies the media. Appointments set by telephone, or by WhatsApp, with his private secretariat, the man having been removed from the appointments on Doctolib. At each consultation, the undercover journalist evokes imaginary symptoms and his fear of going to the hospital. Statements that the naturopath never contradicts, going so far as to say that he does not need analyzes to establish his diagnosis. “At no time does Miguel Barthéléry ask us for a copy of our medical examinations (radio, scanner, reports). Better, he explains to us several times that he does not need our PSA blood testthe prostate-specific antigen that allows doctors to measure the progression of prostate cancer” writes the team. On the other hand, each consultation will be billed 100 euros by Paypal. More than in a treatment course, and without any support.

“Your body will eliminate cancer on its own”

Despite the convictions, the pseudo therapist’s plan does not change. From the first consultation, Miguel Barthéléry provides the journalist with “liver cleansing” procedure which includes monodiets of vegetable and fruit juices, phases of water fasts or dry, purges with a plug laxative according to the cycles of the Moon”.

The height of misinformation, the practitioner states, its goal is not to relieve pain or accompany treatment, but to let the body eliminate the cancer, without any treatment. “If your body is strong enough to do that, it will last a short week and your body will reabsorb it (the tumor) on its own, from the inside, and that’s it.” A profoundly dangerous speech which led to the death of several sick patients weakened by this drastic plan.

What happens to the convictions of crooked therapists?

Consulted on the subject, Dr. Gérald Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens, protests against a system that lacks speed and firmness to protect patients.

As much, I am very open to a complementary medicine who can support patients “in addition” therefore. A pseudo medicine which proposes to act “instead” of a treatment and claims to be able to avoid seeing a cancer specialist is unspeakably dangerous.”

Our expert asks: “What happens to his conviction, since the man was sanctioned and he should no longer be accessible? And what is the place and responsibility of meeting platforms, which in certain cases leave these charlatans visible online (which is no longer the case for Miguel Barthéléry)? Claiming to cure cancer with a liver detox is quite simply dangerous and sectarian. And when it is dangerous and sectarian, these people must have left the circuit”.

Difficulty sorting out between practitioners and gurus

However, the task does not seem so simple on the side of the platforms, or even the government. If Doctolib, for example, deleted 5,700 practitioners from its lists (magnetizers, iridologists, naturopaths, etc.), an article from Parisianmentioned on January 30 that many practitioners continue to offer techniques without any scientific validation on the platform.

No objective criteria today makes it possible to distinguish them — particularly on a legal level — and Doctolib cannot, alone, sort things out or state the law.” claimed the site.

Well-being gurus would also be at the heart of a bill on sectarian aberrations to be submitted to the National Assembly. But last December, senators notably refused to create new offenses such as “psychological subjection”, “provocation to abandon care” or “the adoption of practices exposing a serious risk to health”.