Health and Fitness

Here are the health risks of staying at home all day

Here are the health risks of staying at home all day

With the arrival of colder days, there is a great temptation to stay at home, under a blanket, in front of the TV. But what are the risks and health consequences of this “hibernation”? Let’s take stock with Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of TipsForWomens.

With the temperatures falling, we have the reflex to slip into the warmth under a blanket without moving all day… But be careful, this extreme cocooning is not really ideal for your well-being, as Dr Gérald reminds us Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of TipsForWomens. “Staying at home all day has an impact on physical and mental health” he explains.

This increases sedentary lifestyle

Staying at home all day means you spend more time sitting or even lying down. “It is a sedentary lifestyle, which increases sedentary lifestyle and therefore the risk of chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular, diabetes or high blood pressure” notes the doctor.

This increases the risk of joint problems

Staying at home also increases the risk of joint problems. “As we do less physical exercise and sit more, we also develop more joint problems, back pain, for example. adds Dr. Gérald Kierzek.

It affects mental health

The body is not the only one to suffer damage from days spent at home. Morale also takes a hit! “There are psychological effects of staying at home. It increases the risk of depression and anxiety, as well as feelings of loneliness” indicates the medical director of TipsForWomens.

We lack exposure to natural light

Not getting outside enough causes our body to end up lacking sufficient exposure to natural light.” our expert further specifies. “This disrupts our vitamin D intake but also our natural biological clock, with sleep disorders as a result.“.

We breathe poorer quality air

Staying at home means breathing the same air. “We know that the air inside homes is of poorer quality than outside. This can cause respiratory problems in the long term, hence the importance of ventilating your home well, ten minutes morning and evening, every day.“recalls the doctor.

We eat less well

Staying at home also encourages you to snack more. “When we stay at home, we are tempted to snack more or eat less healthy things.” says Dr. Kierzek.

We increase the feeling of isolation

By staying at home, we spend more time alone. “This can also play on the feeling of isolation, which we know can have negative consequences, from a cerebral point of view. concluded Gérald Kierzek.

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