
How to lose facial fat? 6 effective methods to slim your oval shape

How to lose facial fat?  6 effective methods to slim your oval shape

Changing your appearance is the result of several factors, so if you are wondering how to lose facial fat without resorting to aesthetic medicine or various invasive treatments, choose to change your habits. It turns out that six simple rules are enough to make the oval slimmer, but this is only an addition, because you will improve the condition of the entire body.

How to lose facial fat?  6 effective methods to slim your oval shape

Facial slimming is the dream of many women, including those with a model figure. The oval shape is not only a genetic issue, but also the result of everyday habits. Well, some people tend to accumulate water in the body, which also affects the appearance of the face. But that's not all. We will pay attention to a few additional issues and show you how to lose facial fat in a natural way.

How to slim your face? Take a look at everyday life

We know the saying that tiredness shows on our face, but it's not only tiredness, so everyday habits influence the way we look, and it's not just about dark circles under our eyes.

Inadequate sleep contributes to high cortisol levels, and the stress hormone can not only stimulate appetite, but also negatively affect metabolism, favoring the storage of fat, which also accumulates around the face. Therefore, if you want to slim it down, first of all, you should try to sleep at least 8 hours every night.

The second important tip is movement. A sedentary lifestyle and inactivity contribute to the accumulation of fat tissue and lymph stagnation around the face. Therefore, choose aerobic exercises, i.e. the so-called cardio. Just 30 minutes of jogging, cycling, or swimming every day. In this way, you will accelerate the burning of fat tissue, improve blood supply to the skin and lymph flow.

The third important element is drinking water. If you don't drink water every day, or you do it rarely, your body begins to accumulate it, which also increases the oval of your face. Appropriate hydration, i.e. drinking slowly, a few sips at a time, so as not to excrete it immediately in the urine, allows you to moisturize the skin and support the functioning of many organs. Thanks to this, the stored water will no longer be needed and swelling and waist circumference will slowly begin to decrease.

Alcohol, in turn, due to its diuretic effect, can cause the body to become dehydrated, and in order to avoid this, it will start to accumulate water. Therefore, it is worth limiting its consumption, especially since it provides us with empty calories, which is not conducive to maintaining a slim figure.

2 ways to slim your face. Believe in Kobido massage

A very important aspect is massaging the face. We often forget that our skin is built on a scaffolding of muscles. When we don't train them, the oval of our face changes, fat and lymph accumulate, unwanted spots appear and we look fatter than we would like. This is where Kobido massage comes in handy. It's not about having half an hour to massage your face every day.

Alina Korytkowska, a graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw and the Medical School, known on social media as natural.facelifting, shows how a few minutes every day can change the appearance of your face. The key is to be systematic. It's worth trying and enjoying the results.

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Our diet also affects the appearance of our face. Two important issues come into play here, namely limiting sodium, which occurs mainly in salt. Sodium is also an addition to many products such as chips, sticks, cold cuts and other snacks.

Eating processed foods promotes obesity and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is also worth pointing out that sodium promotes swelling, including around the face.

If you want to slim your face, you should include a large dose of fiber in your daily menu. Thanks to it, we stay full for longer by limiting caloric intake. It is easier to fight the temptation to eat sweets and unhealthy snacks, which helps reduce the sodium.