
How to Prepare Your Skin for Active Sun: Expert Advice

How to Prepare Your Skin for Active Sun: Expert Advice
How to Prepare Your Skin for Active Sun: Expert Advice

Maria Merekina, dermatocosmetologist, chief physician and founder of the Idealist preventive medicine clinic

As a rule, the skin does not share the general joy of the onset of summer and the period of active vacations, as it sees much more harm than good in this. Insolation entails a lot of problems: it dries the skin, destroys its protective factors, provokes hyperpigmentation, has a detrimental effect on blood vessels, turns the skin into a translucent sheet of parchment, promotes the appearance of neoplasms, etc. When it comes to aesthetic procedures during this period, it is important to understand that their task is not only to maintain the beauty of the skin, but also to preserve its health.

Conditioned air is also of no use to the skin. It is very dry, and with sudden temperature changes it becomes an additional stress factor. However, in winter we face a similar process, only in reverse and to a greater extent.

You shouldn't neglect procedures and medications, but only your doctor can give you a list of them. There are no universal schemes. Cases of acquaintances are not a call for similar action. Treatment and prevention are as individual a thing as the key to the apartment where the money is. The only thing that everyone really needs without exception is protection from ultraviolet radiation. By the way, a specialist should also select it.

We remember that the skin is an organ. All organs participate in metabolism. There is a long list of substances that directly or indirectly affect the condition of the organ. As for the skin, in the case of the activity of summer hazardous factors, it is necessary to pay special attention to its ability to:

  • to protection;
  • to regeneration;
  • to hydration.
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Also, attention should be paid to:

  • protein is a “building material”;
  • iron (ferritin, TIBC, serum iron) – cellular respiration, tissue nutrition;
  • vitamins A, B6IN9IN12C, D, E — antioxidant protection, skin immunity.

And this is only a list of the most superficial indicators. There is also a list of other indicators that doctors at our Idealist clinic ask to do before a consultation, but without specialized medical education it is categorically not recommended to interpret them.

Interpreting test results is not the same as assessing the “filling of a vessel.” Simply adding where there is little and limiting where there is much is not the right way. It often happens that a combination of certain deficiencies is, in fact, a picture of a pathology that needs to be treated. Without its treatment, compensation for deficiencies will be ineffective.

How to do it right: ask your doctor to do a checkup before going on holiday to the sea (ideally – before the summer) with an emphasis on skin health and follow the recommendations. No amateur activities.

There are no universal schemes. Cases of acquaintances are not a call to similar action.

As for hydration, replenishment and maintenance of the skin's hydroreserve level, biorevitalization is the best option, which solves many summer problems (hydration is only one of many). We are talking about the quality of the skin itself, its structure and maintaining its health and beauty from the inside.

Among the injection methods that are especially indicated during the period of active sun, biorevitalization is far ahead of all the others. Depending on the preparation, we can solve the problem of dry skin, lightening, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase resistance to free radicals (using antioxidants), ensure the regeneration of damaged cells and much more. Biorevitalization is recommended throughout the year for maintenance and prevention, as well as before and after vacation – for preparation and rehabilitation. In the summer, visits to the cosmetologist's office can be more frequent.

It is also relevant to undergo botulinum therapy, since the sun often makes you squint and expression wrinkles appear. For people suffering from excessive sweating, treatment of hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin will be relevant.

We perform stimulating injection procedures – collagen, plasma lifting – according to indications and in accordance with a long-term plan that is not related to seasonality.

As for combo procedures, in the summer it is preferable to undergo biorevitalization and collagen stimulation (they can be combined into one procedure), since in this case we saturate the tissues with everything necessary, increase the pool of fibroblasts, which starts active work to improve the quality of the skin for three to six months. In this way, we will resist summer UV aging, replenish collagen damaged by the sun and leave a good reserve for the time when there is no opportunity to regularly visit your doctor.

Other injection procedures, such as contour plastic surgery, also have no contraindications in the summer and can be performed at any time of the year.

The most important thing is to follow your doctor's post-procedure recommendations, the first of which is to use sunscreen.

Idealist Clinic

Idealist Clinic

The situation is somewhat different with hardware procedures. There is an opinion that devices are prohibited in the summer, this is not entirely true. The fact is that after some hardware procedures there are restrictions on insolation and overheating, which are quite difficult to avoid in the summer. Complications in the form of pigment spots, inflammation, etc. can arise. Here everything depends on compliance with the doctor's recommendations.

Non-ablative laser procedures (such as treatment of hyperpigmentation and vessels), microneedle RF lifting, BBL phototherapy and others have minimal “summer” restrictions and require the use of UV protection, but there is no talk of a complete ban.

A separate issue is laser hair removal, the peak of popularity of which falls in the summer. If you are going to sunbathe (although dermatologists do not recommend doing this), then you need to undergo hair removal in advance, at least a few days before, avoid direct sun and regularly use sunscreen.

As for laser resurfacing, peelings – you should soberly assess whether you will be able to fully undergo a long rehabilitation period in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. If not, it is better to postpone it until autumn.

There are no restrictions for hardware gas-liquid peelings and non-injection mesotherapy. Ultrasonic SMAS-lifting can also be done without restrictions and rehabilitation. It tightens the skin muscles and ligaments, stimulates collagenogenesis and is considered the most effective non-invasive lifting.

In the summer, it is preferable to undergo biorevitalization and collagen stimulation.

Self-discipline is the path to summer hardware cosmetology. I would like to give another example. Many countries are in zones of much greater solar activity during the year than our European middle zone. This is almost all of Europe, Asia, America. How do people do hardware procedures there if summer lasts more than half a year? That is how they do it – under the supervision of a specialist and following the recommendations for the rehabilitation period.

It is extremely important not to forget to use sunscreen. A good sunscreen helps prevent the manifestations of photoaging, hyperpigmentation, damage to the structural elements of the skin, and the walls of blood vessels. Its effect on thermal drying of tissues is not so great – it occurs mainly due to infrared (thermal) radiation, not ultraviolet, and also due to high-temperature blowing by city breezes.

How to choose the right sunscreen? The correct answer is the same as in other cases: it should be done by a doctor. A single professional selection of sunscreen is enough to ensure that your protection is at the highest level for a long time. A lot really depends on this, and it should not be neglected.

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About author

I pass by being that person liable to duty, but who cannot resist the flights of imagination. I have always loved the legends, the myths and the stories of the old and distant times with my whole being. In high school I fell in love with the history of art and I made it the object of my university studies. Once I graduated, I dusted off an old flame: that of children's literature. I rediscovered the beauty and importance of illustrated books and books, where, to a quality text, images are added that give strength and enrich what is narrated with meaning. It can be said that illustrators often make real works of art! It was then that I decided to follow this passion of mine both as a volunteer, entering the ranks of readers born to read, and in my work as a librarian. I am a greedy devoured of illustrated books (I have an absolute weakness for the stories that have bears or wolves as protagonists!), I love simple stories that know how to strike and surprise. I hate pigeon-holed books in a specific age group and readers in a certain category of readings. I think everyone is different and deserves to choose (and be chosen by the books) without constraints, in complete freedom! [email protected]