Diets and NutritionHealth and Fitness

How to restore energy and good mood: experts advise

How to restore energy and good mood: experts advise

Doctors from one of the largest osteopathic clinics in the capital, Osteo Poly Clinic (Bolshaya Tatarskaya St., 7, building 4), note that in winter, frequent weather changes and lack of sunlight provoke various unpleasant conditions in weather-dependent people: from changes in blood pressure to increased episodes of headaches . “Introduce cyclic exercise into your weekly schedule,” advises Maria Voronova, candidate of medical sciences, neurologist, cephalgologist (specialist in the treatment of headaches). — If it is not possible to visit a fitness club, consider walking routes. Don’t forget about water. Lack of water can reduce performance and stress resistance, and we don’t always know how to feel thirst in time.”

The doctor also notes that the content of microelements in food products is often insufficient, so it is important to add not only vitamins, but also microelements to the diet. “Magnesium helps the muscles and nervous system relax,” adds Voronova. – Baths with magnesium salts plus meditation at night will also help relieve nerves. And even if you are a night owl, it is better to go to bed no later than midnight. Sleepless nights negatively affect a person’s circadian rhythms, which leads to decreased immunity and chronic fatigue syndrome.”

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Gastroenterologist and nutritionist Natalya Smolikova calls for increased physical activity. “Although it is often dark, cold and damp outside, you just need to overcome yourself a few times, go out in comfortable shoes and light but warm clothes and walk with a brisk step. A little later, you will no longer have enough of this, because the body produces pleasure hormones in response to energetic movements. During movement, our mitochondria are trained – small energy stations in every cell. The more we move, the better they work. And the more active mitochondria are, the more calories they need. This is how you naturally lose weight.”

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The nutritionist also advises including more protein in your diet for breakfast and dinner and reducing the amount of salt and not neglecting (if desired) natural adaptogens such as lemongrass or eleutherococcus. “If you find it difficult to avoid sweets, replace at least some of the buns and cakes with protein bars with a little sugar. After all, a portion of cake or a large bun can contain as many calories as a full meal.”

Osteopathic doctor Nina Yankina talks about the reasons for weight gain and volume in the waist and hips during the winter: “At the end of the year, many office workers begin to take stock and have to spend a lot of time in their work chair. Sedentary work without breaks plus the habit of sitting cross-legged place increased stress on the pelvic area, where not only muscle tension accumulates, but also excess blood and fluid. Add to this the habit of snacking on unhealthy foods when we have no time. And now men may find that it has become difficult to fasten their belt, and women may find that their skirt or trousers have become too tight, not to mention back pain.”

An osteopath can correct problems with muscle tension, and visceral massage will help get rid of local swelling. “Visceral massage is the impact of a specialist’s hands on the abdominal area and internal organs through the anterior abdominal wall,” says massage therapist Lyudmila Nikolenko. — This massage is carried out especially gently, without causing any unpleasant sensations. The positive effects of soft vibrating movements include relief from local swelling, excess gas formation, relief from premenstrual syndrome and pain due to injuries or operations. As with any massage, you should not have standard contraindications; a list of them will always be announced to you before you sign up for the procedure.”

Osteopathic doctor Nina Yankina summarizes: “It’s also very useful to be lazy. If you had a difficult week, you are not in the mood or strength, try to relax at least at the end of the week. Don’t try to motivate yourself to go somewhere. Just do what you want: lie in bed, read, drink your favorite tea, watch your favorite movie or listen to music.”

About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]