
I tested “We train, we help each other”, a 100% female sports program

I tested “We train, we help each other”, a 100% female sports program

In partnership with the sports shoe brand ASICS, the city of Paris has decided to put sport back at the heart of French women's activities with the “We train, we help each other” program. More than describing it to you, we tested it. Our verdict!

What if you tried sports sessions only between girls? After the Mind Runs phase, the program “Paris, move your mind” presents its second initiative “We train, we help each other”, reserved mainly for women and in partnership with the famous shoe brand ASICS. To get a closer look at this initiative, I put on my sneakers and tried a sports session with their coaches!

A moment of sharing between girls!

The meeting place is on the banks of the Seine, an accessible place where we are not the only ones to go running! For those who wish, the ASICS team provides running shoes in large bins. Enough to equip those who need it!

Then it's time for the presentation of the concept by the organizers and the event's ambassador and former Miss Europe, Marine Ltemporel, who sums it up in a few words: “The program is designed above all to have a good time, and to make French women want to practice a sporting activity.”. It's true that it's not always easy to find time to play sports, but it's really important to stay active.

As the now doctor explains, “It's good for the body and mind!“.

According to a YouGov study, “49% of Parisian women face mental health problems”. Disorders that could be reduced by practicing regular physical activity. Unfortunately, with a busy social and personal life, Parisian women generally say they lack the time and motivation to do sports. The “We train, we help each other” program therefore aims to help them move as much as possible and free their minds.

Once the speech is over, we start running! Together, we are motivated by dynamic coaches who follow us with good humor. Being among girls is super motivating. There are all levels: both beginners and regular runners, whom I notice by their very complete equipment.

A communicative atmosphere

Beyond being a simple race between girls, a real atmosphere is created. After a run of around thirty minutes, we move on to muscle strengthening. We gather in a circle around the coaches and do squats, knee raises or even jumping jacks… enough to work up a sweat! Some girls get a little tired, but are quickly re-motivated by the lively music playing from the big speakers next to us.

We really feel the kindness and support of the group. The girls are not there for the performance but to have a good time and do themselves good mentally! Moreover, the atmosphere is so welcoming and motivating that a passerby comes to ask me what we are doing and if she can join us.

An activity that frees the mind

One thing is certain, stress has no place here! I finished the session feeling proud to have participated and to have managed to finish. My thoughts are lighter and I feel particularly peaceful. This little well-rounded session really did me good!

Moreover, I find that running is a very well chosen activity for this type of program. Indeed, it is a sport that you can practice anywhere and which requires little equipment. It is therefore ideal for a repeat or to motivate friends to accompany us.

If you also want to take a sports break with the girls, it's possible and completely free! All you have to do is register on the city of Paris website. The sessions take place every Thursday in May and June from 6:30 p.m., in the center of Paris!

About author

Federico Viri was born in 1982 in Savignano sul Panaro (MO) at the Aurora Community (yoga center) where she lived until the age of twenty and then moved to Tuscany. Graduated in Herbal Techniques , she attended the ABEI High School of Naturopathy with a 4th year master's degree. In the teaching staff of the ABEI school he teaches nutrition and nutrition, nephropathy, herbal medicine, botany, pharmacognosy, aromatherapy and habitat medicine. For several years he has actually been working for food and environmental education in Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna , with particular attention to pediatric nutrition and vegetarian and vegan food routes. [email protected]