
Instead of an expensive Korean mask, use clay. It has a beneficial effect on the skin

Instead of an expensive Korean mask, use clay.  It has a beneficial effect on the skin

Korean masks have recently become very popular. Before them, however, clay masks reigned supreme. It has been used for years to improve the condition of both skin and hair. All thanks to their properties that significantly improve our complexion.

Instead of an expensive Korean mask, use clay.  It has a beneficial effect on the skin

Don't look far. Clays are great for the skin

Clay has been used for centuries to improve the condition of skin and hair. Therefore, it is worth considering including them in your daily care. They have many properties that can have a beneficial effect on our skin. These include: absorption of excess sebum, help in the fight against dry skin and prevention of acne – mild forms such as blackheads. Experts believe that a green clay mask will be best for removing excess sebum from pores. Therefore, it will work well for people with naturally oily skin.

Dermatologist Nishita Ranka says oily skin especially benefits from clay masks. They remove impurities and minimize pore clogging. However, this does not mean that no other skin type will benefit from them. Combination skin can find balance thanks to them. The clay will regulate sebum secretion without causing dryness. However, in cases of sensitive skin, it will be necessary to use delicate clays. However, the biggest challenge is dry skin. This is because a clay mask poses a potential threat due to possible moisture loss resulting from the absorbent properties of the clay. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to which mask you choose. It should contain ingredients such as aloe, hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Thanks to this, they will simultaneously moisturize and nourish the skin, as well as cleanse it effectively.

Which clay should I choose? It all depends on your skin type

Clays themselves are a rich source of iron, magnesium, minerals and trace elements. The most popular clays in Poland include green, red and white clay.

Green clay is great for people with oily and acne-prone skin. This is because it will effectively deal with excessive sebum secretion, gently exfoliate and mattify the complexion.

Red clay is ideal for people with normal, vascular and sensitive skin. Not only will it help soothe redness, but it will also help fight rosacea. It will improve skin tone and limit damage to blood vessels.

White clay – also called porcelain and koalin clay – is ideal for people with dry, sensitive and mature skin. The mask will not only cleanse the skin, but also soothe it and even out the skin tone.

We should adapt the use of a clay mask to our needs. Usually, the packaging contains information about how many times a week a given mask should be used. It is also worth observing how our skin reacts to a clay mask.

However, before we start making the mask, we should always remember to cleanse and tone the skin. It is also worth exfoliating beforehand. This will remove dead skin cells and give the clay an ideal field to work.

In the end