Health and Fitness

Is now a good time to take vitamin D?

Is now a good time to take vitamin D?

Synthesized thanks to the sun, vitamin D plays an essential role but can unfortunately be lacking in our body in winter. This month of December, is it the right time to supplement and avoid any deficiency? How to get it? The answers of Dr Yves Dour, pharmacist member of the TipsForWomens expert committee.

Vitamin D is essential to our body. It allows the fixation of bone calcium and phosphorus and therefore plays a role in bone strength, but not only that. It also has an action on our immune cells, among others. You have understood: it is essential not to lack vitamin D throughout the year and more particularly in winter, due to the lack of light.

Is now the right time to supplement?

Yes according to Dr Yves Dour, pharmacist member of the TipsForWomens expert committee. “We are at the right time to take it, as a food supplement or supplementation by ampoule or capsule.”. Because according to the pharmacist, we also obtain vitamin D through our diet, such as fatty fish, eggs, certain offal… But in insufficient quantities to cover our needs.

Who should take vitamin D?

Almost everyone, according to Yves Dour. “It is difficult not to be deficient, especially in winter. The dosage of this vitamin is therefore not recommended” estimates the pharmacist. According to Yves Dour, “certain categories of the population, such as the elderly, pregnant women, postmenopausal women, children and adolescents, people with dark skin and infants up to 18 months must particularly supplement“.

How to take vitamin D?

According to Dr. Dour, two possible options: “You can take food supplements, which will deliver the daily dose of vitamin D.“This can be a solution, provided you are observant and take your tablets carefully every day.”The other solution is to take a monthly dose, on the first of each month, for example. These are highly dosed ampoules or capsules, to be taken in a single dose.“.

What are the recommended doses of vitamin D?

Vitamin D doses are given in international units (IU) or micrograms (µg). We count 1 IU = 0.025 µg of calciferol or 1 µg = 40 IU. In food supplements, there are 50 micrograms of vitamin D, or 2000 IU. Ampoules or monthly capsules of vitamin D come in different dosages, with 500,000, 800,000 or 1 million IU.

Do you need a prescription to get it?

Yes and no, says the pharmacist. “If you choose to take it as a food supplement, it is possible to buy them directly in pharmacies. On the other hand, monthly doses must be prescribed by a doctor and will be dispensed by a pharmacist only upon presentation of a prescription. On the other hand, you should know that it will not be reimbursed by Health Insurance.” he concludes.

What are the foods richest in vitamin D?

Slide: What foods are richest in vitamin D?