Health and Fitness

“It’s the Base”: change of tone for the new prevention campaign aimed at young people

“It’s the Base”: change of tone for the new prevention campaign aimed at young people

Exit fear, guilt, and blame, Santé Publique Europe’s new awareness campaign on the harms of alcohol plays the common sense card, with a slogan that already sounds like a refrain: “It’s the Base” . The objective is simple: to remind people of basic reflexes to allow young people to spend an evening without excess, and to prevent any risk linked to overconsumption of alcohol, as well as potential addictions.

This new prevention campaign, jointly launched by the Ministry of Health and Prevention and Santé Publique Europe, does not address the harms of drunk driving, nor during pregnancy, nor the risks it induces on long-term health, as is often the case, but to excessive consumption and addictions to which young people are exposed. And the tone changes a fortiori, abandoning fear for more responsibility. All punctuated by a simple phrase, but one that should resonate with this young generation: “It’s the Base”. The aim here is not to create an electric shock, but to support this public towards moderate and controlled consumption, with the aim of fighting against overconsumption and addictions.

Basic reflexes to best manage your alcohol consumption

The ‘C’est la Base’ prevention campaign will remind you of the simple actions to adopt to protect yourself and others from the risks linked to overconsumption of alcohol.“, we can read in a press release published by Santé Publique Europe. The national public health agency recalls that more than eight out of ten young people aged 17 (81%) have already experimented with alcohol. A figure to be compared with data from the ESCAPAD survey of the French Observatory of Drugs and Addictive Tendencies (OFDT) which reveals that in 2017, 43.9% of young people of the same age reported drinking behavior important in the month – this is the act of drinking five or more glasses of alcohol on a single occasion.

Faced with this observation, the new prevention and awareness campaign intends to remind people of the basic reflexes to best manage their alcohol consumption. All with the help of accompanying messages aimed at making these young people responsible in the face of the dangers of excessive consumption. “Thinking about eating before drinking alcohol is the Basics“, “Don’t insist if your friends don’t want to consume, that’s the basis“, “Invite your friend to sleep at your place if he is no longer in good condition, that’s the Basics“, “Also drink water if you consume alcohol, this is the Basics” are among the prevention messages aimed at young people aimed at making them aware of their role in protecting themselves or others.

An overhaul of the “Alcool Info Service” platform

But this communication aimed at 17-25 year olds is not limited to the dangers of alcohol addiction, with the ambition of also fighting against drug addiction. Santé Publique Europe points out that 30% of young people aged 17 have already experimented with cannabis. And it is no coincidence that this prevention campaign is launched a few weeks after the start of the school year. “The end of September and the month of October are punctuated by evenings and integration weekends linked to the start of the university year. In this period conducive to festive moments, the Ministry of Health and Prevention wishes to emphasize the importance of preventing the risks linked to the consumption of alcohol and cannabis“, it is specified.

At the same time, Santé Publique Europe announces an overhaul of the Alcool Info Service platform, intended to provide information, help and support to people facing problems related to their alcohol consumption. The aim is “to improve guidance and personalized help for users”.