Health and Fitness

Jean-Pierre Pernaut: death from the vaccine and not from cancer? Our expert’s opinion

Jean-Pierre Pernaut: death from the vaccine and not from cancer?  Our expert's opinion

In an interview with Gala, Nathalie Marquay, widow of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, spoke of her private doubts: according to her, her husband did not die of cancer, but possibly as a result of his 3rd injection against covid. Dr. Ivan Pourmir, oncology researcher, sheds light on what we know today.

“I wanted to re-establish the truth a little to declare that he did not die of cancer, but of something else.” In a poignant testimony published by Gala, Nathalie Marquay, widow of presenter Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who died two years ago, expresses her doubts as to what caused his death.

Strokes appearing after a third injection

“The doctors didn’t understand anything. This is why I am skeptical about the real causes of his death” can we read. The one who is now publishing a book dedicated to the man in her life (A sign from you published by Guy Trédaniel) even openly links her husband’s strokes to a third injection of the Covid vaccine.

We have no perspective on these injections”she argues, “I’m not a doctor, but I wonder if the vaccine and radiotherapy go well together, because, eight days after the third vaccination, he had his first stroke. Then two, three… twelve! The thirteenth was fatal to him.”

On the networks, the question is also taken up by many Internet users who respond to similar cases experienced around them. And the doubt seems shared by many of them.

The host had several risk factors for stroke

Could vaccination be the cause of fatal strokes in Jean Pierre Pernaut, as his wife suggests? We asked Dr. Ivan Pourmir, researcher and medical oncologist, member of our expert committee, to find out more. According to him, the answer is more nuanced than a yes or no.

First of all because stroke is a complex mechanism.

“There are different types of stroke with different mechanisms. There are hemorrhagic strokes caused by bleeding in the brain and ischemic strokes caused by blockage of one or more arteries which deprives the brain of oxygen. Among ischemic strokes we will then distinguish 2 subcategories: those whose blockage comes from atherosclerotic plaques already present in the artery and those whose blockage is caused by the migration of blood clots formed in the heart. he begins.

However, what Nathalie Marquay describes could be linked to several characteristics, which could have been the origin of these strokes.

“I have no more information on Jean-Pierre Pernaut, but what is said by his wife, that is to say multiple strokes close together and the existence of a heart valve problem which can generate clots, evokes this last subcategory. The presence of cancer also activates blood clotting. Furthermore, his age and male gender are risk factors.”

The side effects of the vaccine remain to be clarified

Concerning a possible participation of vaccination against Covid-19, it remains difficult to make a categorical statement. “In this case, the facilitator already had risk factors for having a stroke apart from vaccination; at the same time, side effects are easier in people who already have favorable conditions. It’s not necessarily one or the other..”

Dr Pourmir thus returns to what the emergence of a new treatment and the benefit-risk balance may imply, at the heart of research. Covid vaccine includes, which currently interests us.

“It is complicated to definitively incriminate a drug for an individual case outside of situations where any other cause is excluded, where the occurrence is immediate and repeats during a second administration, and where an autopsy is carried out to clarify the mechanism. . We can just say, when a drug is known for one type of side effect, that there is a probability that it was involved. Some laboratory and epidemiological data suggest that Covid-19 vaccines could promote thromboembolic events, a category that includes ischemic stroke. Further research is needed to clarify which side effects are common and which are specific to each vaccine, their real frequency and areas of risk. All drugs have side effects, that does not mean that we cannot use them, but we must strive to characterize them to better assess the individual benefit-risk balance.”