Health and Fitness

Menstrual flu, this strange syndrome that comes back every month

Menstrual flu, this strange syndrome that comes back every month

As their period approaches, some women begin to experience symptoms of a cold or flu. Sometimes called “menstrual flu”, this syndrome repeats itself month after month. But what is it based on? We asked the question to Dr Odile Bagot, gynecologist.

Aches, fever, runny nose, headaches… Do you experience these symptoms every month as your period approaches? You don’t somatize. Among the unpleasant effects of premenstrual syndrome there is what we call “period flu” among the Anglo-Saxons and therefore menstrual flu among us. A condition in the week preceding the period which resembles a flu-like illness.

Why do we feel this way?

The menstrual flu is not a cold snap every month. It is, unsurprisingly, a condition caused by hormonal variations that impact the menstrual cycle. In fact, estrogens, prostaglandins and progesterone which increase during the first part of the cycle could therefore “exacerbate seasonal allergy symptoms, such as runny nose and itchy eyes” explains a gynecologist to our colleagues in HuffPost. Hormonal changes, already responsible for headaches and muscle pain, could therefore make us think of the flu.

For another gynecologist, Alyssa Dweck, interviewed by Women’s Healththis effect would also be supplemented by our eating habits which would change before the arrival of the period: “Increasing your intake of sugar and salty snacks can cause swelling and inflammation. The effects of these diet and lifestyle changes right before your period can tend to mimic flu symptoms.”

Does menstrual flu exist?

To find out, we also asked Dr Odile Bagot, gynecologist and member of our expert committee. According to her, menstrual flu is not a medical diagnosis, but can actually be part of this premenstrual syndrome experienced by many women.

“We know that premenstrual syndrome can bring discomfort, fatigue and headaches to women who suffer from it. We also know today that many chronic pathologies are aggravated during the premenstrual period, including allergies, acne etc. We can also add that during the second part of the cycle, just after ovulation, progesterone can also raise the temperature. In light of all this, we can therefore validate that, yes some women who experience Not all of these phenomena feel at their best at some point in their cycle.”

How to treat this menstrual flu?

There are no specific cures for menstrual flu. A healthy lifestyle such as rest and good hydration can help you cope better with premenstrual syndrome.

“You can take paracetamol and use all the non-drug interventions that exist to feel better, such as relaxation, rest, taking care of yourself, or even taking food supplements designed to help you cope better with your syndrome. premenstrual, and see what suits us best” advises our gynecologist.

Finally, taking a hormonal contraceptive can help maintain a regular level of estrogen without causing a drop, and therefore any effect of this type.