
Playing this instrument helps reduce stress and anxiety

Playing this instrument helps reduce stress and anxiety

Certain parts of our brain can be improved through practicing music. Playing the piano, in particular, would act on anxiety.

Learning the piano would help improve our cognitive abilities, while having a positive impact on our mental health. The practice of this instrument, in fact, would also reduce stress and anxiety.

An impact on our brain

Published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports, A study by English researchers shows how playing the piano can sharpen our visual and auditory perception, while reducing signs of depression, anxiety and stress. “The results of our study suggest that playing the piano has a significant and positive impact on the way the brain processes audiovisual information, even in adulthood, when the brain's plasticity is reduced.”says Dr Karin Petrini, from the psychology department at the University of Bath.

Learning the piano, a source of progress?

The scientific research took place over eleven weeks. Period during which novices received weekly one-hour lessons. Classes where participants alternated between fingering exercises and learning pieces. A program that proved effective, as it resulted in budding pianists being able to process both auditory and visual information. “Learning to play an instrument like the piano is a complex task; it requires a musician to read a score, generate movements, and monitor auditory and tactile response to adjust their other actions. In scientific terms, the process combines visual with auditory cues and results in multisensory training for individuals.underlines Dr Karin Petrini, from the psychology department at the University of Bath.

In addition to improving sensory coordination, the data reveals how the piano can be a therapeutic tool, since it promotes psychological well-being.

About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]