Baby Care

Please note, three quarters of cases of sudden infant death are due to these errors

Please note, three quarters of cases of sudden infant death are due to these errors

Sudden infant death or unexpected infant death (IND) affects between 250 and 350 babies each year in Europe. According to American research published on March 21, the vast majority of causes of sudden infant death are the consequence of poor sleeping habits. TipsForWomens takes advantage of this new light to remind people of preventive measures regarding infant sleep.

According to Santé Publique Europe, unexpected infant death (IND) is defined as “the sudden death of a child aged 1 month to 1 year who was previously in good health, when nothing in his known antecedents or in the history of the facts could suggest this“. In Europe, this affects between 250 and 350 babies per year. A new American study looked into the causes of these premature deaths. Here are the researchers’ conclusions.

Co-sleeping implicated in cases of sudden infant death

According to the University of Virginia research team, “out of 7,595 cases of SUID (Sudden and unexpected infant death), 59.5% shared the sleeping surface at the time of death. The high number of unsafe sleep practices for infants who shared a sleeping surface and slept alone at the time of death is alarming“, warns researcher Fern Hauck, sleep expert at UVA Health and the University of Virginia School of Medicine. The researchers add in their conclusions that other risk factors have been identified such as sleeping in an environment not suitable for the baby (sofa, chair), but also the consumption of drugs and/or alcohol by the parents who supervise the child. Finally, babies would also be left alone to sleep which increases the risk of IND .

Better communicate prevention measures to parents

According to the researchers “this tells us that we need to work better with families to increase acceptance of recommendations to create safer sleep spaces for their infants“. As a reminder, these preventive measures (in Europe) are “normally” discussed during your stay in the maternity ward by midwives, childcare workers and the pediatrician. You can also find this information in your child’s health record. child. The instructions for prevention of IM are the subject of a scientific consensus. It is recommended to systematically lay the infant on his back in a suitable bed:

  • On a firm mattress in a cot;
  • Installed in a suitable sleeping bag, without pillow, duvet or blanket, comfort blankets, bed bumper or other bed braids;
  • In a room with moderate ambient temperature (18-20°);
  • Ideally in the parents’ room for the first 6 months of life (or even 1 year for American recommendations);
  • Without sharing the parental bed;
  • Without exposure to tobacco.

Finally, pay attention to the different visuals of product packaging in the baby section (diapers for example). Indeed, the latter are not always in line with official recommendations. You can see babies sleeping with a blanket or on a pillow. If we don’t necessarily pay attention to them during races, these images can unconsciously make sleeping errors more frequent. Also, do not hesitate to speak with your child’s pediatrician to find out more about the risks and ways to prevent sudden infant death syndrome.

About author

Ilaria Barabrossa (Journalist) She currently practices his profession in the province of Verona with a focus on: overweight, obesity (also in children) dyslipidaemias (high triglycerides and cholesterol), hepatic steatosis, diabetes, insulin resistance, renal failure. Graduated in Communication Sciences and Technologies at the IULM University of Milan in 2010, since 2013 she is registered with the Order of Journalists , as a publicist. [email protected]