
She wanted to remove the hair, she removed the skin. The TikTok trend will scar her for the rest of her life

She wanted to remove the hair, she removed the skin.  The TikTok trend will scar her for the rest of her life

There are many different beauty tips on TikTok. Some are effective, and others… well, not necessarily. One teenager decided to try the popular sugar wax trend. She will regret this decision for the rest of her life.

She wanted to remove the hair, she removed the skin.  The TikTok trend will scar her for the rest of her life

Nice to be quick and simple. I ended up in the emergency room

Some time ago, the trend of “sugaring” the skin became popular on social media. It involved preparing a homemade, sticky mixture consisting of heated sugar, water and honey. The “sugar wax” prepared in this way was applied to the skin and peeled off, thanks to which the hairs could be removed. Supporters of this method claim that it is a less painful and more natural alternative to regular hot wax and wax strips. Fans of sugaring shared their methods of self-hair removal on the Internet, praising the simplicity of this method and claiming that it would save money.

17-year-old Allison was fascinated by this method. As soon as she saw the first video on her social media, she started watching other similar videos and then searched the Internet for more information about it. The recipe was similar everywhere: you add sugar, water and honey in equal parts to the pot, bring it to a boil, and then put it in the fridge. This mixture is then placed in the microwave to heat it and make it elastic.

Allison followed the instructions. However, while mixing, some of the wax fell on her thumb. When she tried to remove it, her skin began to peel off. Later it only got worse.

Specialists warn. This is a dangerous method

On the same day, a large blister appeared at the burn site. The teenager's mother quickly took her to the emergency room. When the girl told the doctor what happened, he admitted that he knew this problem. In his opinion, the biggest mistake is putting hot wax in the fridge.

When wax is only in the refrigerator for an hour or two, it doesn't cool evenly, leaving hot “pockets” in the wax, he said.

When placed in the microwave, the “pockets” heat up even more and then burst. According to the teenager's mother, the doctor admitted that just a week earlier a woman with similar injuries had appeared in the emergency room. Allison was diagnosed with severe second-degree burns. The doctor also admitted that the girl could be scarred for life.

Sugar can cause severe burns to sensitive skin if the temperature of the water used to wash it off is too high. Intimate health specialist Stephanie Taylor admitted in an interview with “The Tab” that this can cause painful burns, dangerous infections and irreversible scars. The specialist emphasizes that this substance can be extremely dangerous because “it sticks to the skin and intensifies burns, causing terrible injuries.” He recommends leaving hot wax depilation to specialists.

In the end