Health and Fitness

Stomach ache: the place where it hurts can help with the diagnosis

Stomach ache: the place where it hurts can help with the diagnosis

Reflux, intestinal or gallbladder pain…. Our abdomen includes different organs and can be the site of different pathologies. The precise location of a stomach ache can thus give the doctor indications to understand its origin. Explanations from Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of TipsForWomens.

The abdominal area includes different organs beyond just the digestive tract, but not only that. We sometimes also add the pelvic part, which houses the reproductive organs in women. So what does abdominal or abdominopelvic pain mean, depending on its location? Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of TipsForWomens, enlightens us.

The upper abdomen, above the navel

We find the stomach in this area of ​​the abdomen. “Stomach problems such as the ulcer or the gastritis can cause pain in the upper abdomen” explains Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of TipsForWomens. “In the gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), heartburn may be felt in this part, for example”.

The central part of the abdomen, around the navel

In this anatomical area it is possible to feel pain “due to disorders such as malabsorption or celiac diseasebut also a appendicitisthe inflammation of which can cause pain around the navel before moving down to the right” explains the doctor.

The lower part of the abdomen, on the sides and below the navel

In this fairly middle part of the body, we can feel different pain depending on the organs. The colon will give pathologies like “the colitisthe diverticulitis or irritable bowel syndrome” adds Dr. Kierzek.”We also find appendicitis, with pain that can move to the lower right side of the abdomen.

The gallbladder causes problems such as gallstones, which can cause pain on the right side of the abdomen, according to TipsForWomens’s medical director. On the right, we find pain related to the liver and liver disorders. On the left, finally, there are pathologies linked to the spleen, with disorders such as its “enlargement that can cause pain“. Furthermore, in the left hypochondrium, pain from sigmoiditis or diverticulitis is classic.

The lower abdomen, below the navel

In this lower part of the abdomen, which is rather the pelvic area, are the reproductive organs in women. “Pain in this area may be related to the reproductive organs, such as the uterus or ovaries.” believes Dr Gérald Kierzek, who recalls that “localization alone is not always sufficient to make a precise diagnosis” and that in the event of persistent pain, a medical consultation is necessary.

10 natural remedies for stomach aches

Slide: 10 natural remedies for stomach aches