
Sunburned Hair? There Are Natural and Effective Ways to Fix It

Sunburned Hair? There Are Natural and Effective Ways to Fix It

The sun in the sky, the wind in your hair, a swim in the sea… The effects of such summer adventures are not long in coming: hair becomes dry, brittle and weakened. How to improve the condition of your hair after the summer? Here are a few ways that we recommend. All you need are natural ingredients!

Sunburned Hair? There Are Natural and Effective Ways to Fix It

What to do with dry hair in summer?

Summer heat is not good for our hair. It becomes dull, brittle, fragile. It is more difficult to comb and style, because dry hair tangles and its broken parts fall out.

What to do with sun- or sea-damaged hair? Try home treatments that help regenerate hair.

Natural hair hydration

Damaged, weakened hair should be nourished and moisturized. Products based on keratin, silk and emollients work well here. It is a good idea to use them at least twice a week.

Protein hair masks are also recommended. These are not the end of the possibilities. Shampoos with aloe, glycerin and honey will also work well.

Honey and fruit masks for hair

If dry hair is your problem, feel free to enjoy the benefits of honey all summer long. If you can't find a shampoo with this ingredient, you can add a few drops of honey to a portion of the shampoo you use to wash your hair.

This natural humectant works, among other things, as a moisturizer, retaining the optimum amount of moisture in the skin and hair. Regular use of honey can help to make hair soft and shiny.

Other natural ingredients that can be used to make hair masks include bananas and strawberries.

These fruits, with natural oil and natural yogurt, after crushing and mixing, can be applied to the hair, covering it with a foil cap. Contraindications are of course allergies to any of the substances used.

For dry hair, the best are oils and… sour cream

Regular use of oils is also a good method to improve the condition of our hair. A good idea is to combine oil – an emollient – ​​with aloe, a humectant.

Sour cream can also be helpful in improving the condition of your hair, which, with additives such as olive oil and a bit of avocado, can create a natural, healing hair mask.

Others recommend a mixture of cream and egg yolk, which perfectly nourishes even hair that naturally tends to dry out. After application, put on a cap, leave for about 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water and a gentle shampoo.