
The hairdresser couldn't believe how fast my hair was growing. Two ingredients were enough

The hairdresser couldn't believe how fast my hair was growing.  Two ingredients were enough

Long, thick and shiny hair is at your fingertips. Two ingredients are enough to make our strands grow incredibly quickly. You can forget about store-bought products and choose a cheaper, natural substitute. Preparing it will not be a problem for anyone.

The hairdresser couldn't believe how fast my hair was growing.  Two ingredients were enough

Rosemary oil for hair. Beautiful and long strands

The beneficial properties of rosemary oil have been known for years. This evergreen plant has always been considered medicinal. This oil is used, among others, in aromatherapy, because inhaling it has a positive effect on our immune system. It also helps in the treatment of respiratory infections. According to experts, it can also help relieve stress. This aromatic oil is also increasingly appearing as an ingredient in cosmetics. All thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. But how does rosemary affect hair?

This natural oil works wonders on our hair. You also don't have to wait long to see its effects. It is usually used for hair growth. All thanks to the substance contained in rosemary – minoxidil. It stimulates hair growth and dilates blood vessels. Carnosic acid will also help in hair care, as it supports the regeneration of damaged scalp tissues. It is also worth mentioning the antioxidant properties of rosemary. Free radicals can cause the degradation of hair follicles and thus contribute to excessive hair loss.

How to prepare rosemary oil? Simple and easy instructions

Preparing homemade rosemary oil is extremely simple. Just blend fresh rosemary sprigs in a blender and then put them in a jar. Then pour your favorite oil over everything – coconut, sesame, jojoba or olive oil. Now, unfortunately, we will have to wait a while. Place the jar with rosemary covered in olive oil in a dark and cool place for about two weeks. Stir at least once a day. After this time, our oil will be “mature”. Pour the mixture through a strainer and into bottles. The oil should be stored in the refrigerator. It is best if the bottle into which we plan to pour it is made of dark glass. Thanks to this, it will retain its properties for a long time. You can also add a few drops of vitamin E to the finished preparation.

Rosemary oil will help reduce hair loss and support hair growth. Moreover, it will also soothe scalp inflammation and cleanse the epidermis. After preparing a lotion with rosemary oil, we can easily prevent dandruff. Rosemary oil can also be used for hair oiling. In this way, we will significantly regenerate our strands, and their styling will be much easier.

Attention! Rosemary oil can darken our hair.

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Katarzyna Cichopek
