Health and Fitness

The toll-free Heatwave Info Service number reactivated today

The toll-free Heatwave Info Service number reactivated today

While the orange heatwave vigilance alert has been declared in 19 departments (for the moment), the Government is reactivating its new toll-free number to obtain protection advice and adopt the right reflexes in the face of the heat.

Europe is beginning an episode of strong heat, the hottest of the summer according to meteorologists, which will affect us until the middle of next week with temperatures exceeding 40° in the South-East of Europe. Faced with the heat wave orange vigilance alert, residents are asked to be very vigilant and the toll-free number Canicule Info Service 0 800 06 66 66 was set up from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. today. This allows you to obtain the most appropriate advice and remember the right actions to protect yourself.

Nineteen departments placed on “orange” heatwave vigilance

This Friday, twelve departments are therefore added to the seven already placed on orange vigilance alert yesterday, covering a good part of Europe.

  • The Loire ;
  • The Haute-Loire;
  • The Rhône ;
  • Ain;
  • Isere;
  • Haute-Savoie
  • Savoy
  • The Allier;
  • Cantal;
  • Puy-de-Dome;
  • The Doubs;
  • Jura ;
  • The Saone-et-Loire;
  • Correze;
  • The Gers;
  • The Lot;
  • Lot-et-Garonne;
  • the Tarn;
  • The Tarn-et-Garonne.

Vigilance “orange”, what does that mean?

The National Heatwave Plan is structured around 4 colors of meteorological vigilance. It is to them that we refer to know the degree of vigilance expected. The term heat wave is defined by very high temperatures day and night for at least 3 consecutive days. The high temperature threshold from which we speak of a heat wave varies according to the regions concerned and their habit of heat. In Paris, for example, these thresholds are 31°C during the day and 21°C at night. In the south of Europe, the region is more exposed to heat in general: in Marseille, the threshold is 34°C during the day and 24°C at night.

Orange vigilance (heat wave alert) is triggered by the prefect when dangerous weather phenomena are forecast according to local conditions (pollution) and health indicators. The actors of the heat wave plan take the measures defined in the departmental ORSEC plan, in particular those targeting the disabled and isolated elderly.

Below this, yellow vigilance (heat alert) is declared in the event of a heat peak (1 or 2 days). It is used to prepare the population for a possible rise in temperatures by communicating protection. A rare red vigilance is triggered by the Prime Minister and provides for exceptional measures when a heat wave is long, intense and disrupts the operation of over-demanded public services (water, electricity, hospitals, etc.).

Actions to protect isolated people

Dangerous for health, these episodes of high heat are particularly to be feared for the elderly, disabled or isolated. If you have elderly or vulnerable people around you, encourage them to

  • Drink water regularly;
  • Avoid outings and physical exertion during the hottest hours of the day;
  • Close shutters and curtains on windows exposed to the sun.

If unusual symptoms occur (cramps, sudden fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headaches, etc.), do not hesitate to contact 15.