
This homemade night cream is a hit. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

This homemade night cream is a hit.  It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

More and more people appreciate recipes for home care products. Masks, lotions and conditioners are increasingly made at home. A famous influencer decided to share her recipe for a completely natural night cream. Preparing it is quick and simple.

This homemade night cream is a hit.  It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

Homemade night cream. The addition of saffron will change a lot

Kate, whose name is @yourmategingerkate on TikTok, shares with her followers recipes for natural remedies without any chemicals. One of her videos is very popular, showing how to prepare a night cream with the addition of saffron. According to the influencer, this spice helps brighten the skin and reduce discoloration. And he's right. This plant contains many unique ingredients such as crocin and safranal, which are carotenoids. They have a strong antioxidant effect. Saffron is therefore helpful in delaying the signs of skin aging and neutralizing free radicals. Moreover, this plant effectively lightens discolorations and evens out the skin tone. Crocin, quercetin and kaempferol inhibit the activity of tyrosinases – an enzyme involved in the synthesis of melanin. In addition, saffron increases skin hydration and limits moisture loss.

Preparing a homemade night cream is extremely simple. Just take a pinch of saffron and put it in a small glass jar with a lid. Then add two tablespoons of aloe gel, one teaspoon of almond oil, a few drops of vitamin E oil and a tablespoon of rose water. Mix everything thoroughly and it's ready. Simple, quick and completely natural, the night cream is ready to use. The cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

Saffron for beauty. What else can it be used for?

Saffron can also be used to make a simple acne paste. All thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory properties. They will help not only prevent the formation of new acne lesions, but also reduce existing ones.

It is also worth noting that saffron has antifungal properties, so it can also be used as a remedy for pimples and pimples. Preparing saffron paste is not difficult. Just grind a few basil leaves in a mortar and add a pinch of saffron and a few drops of water. Mix everything until a smooth, uniform mass is obtained. The ready-made paste is applied spot-on to acne lesions or discolorations. After applying it to your face, wait until it dries and then rinse with cold water. It is best to use the paste 3-4 times a week.

Due to its moisturizing and moisture-retaining properties, saffron can also be used to make a moisturizing and nourishing mask. Just mix two teaspoons of saffron with one tablespoon of honey. Apply the mask to thoroughly cleansed facial skin and leave for about 10 minutes. After this time, wash thoroughly under lukewarm running water.

In the end