Health and Fitness

Véronique Sanson urgently hospitalized for pneumonia. What are the risks ? Dr Kierzek's opinion

Véronique Sanson urgently hospitalized for pneumonia.  What are the risks ?  Dr Kierzek's opinion

Véronique Sanson, who was to give a concert yesterday in Nantes, had to cancel her visit. Suffering from pneumonia, the singer was urgently hospitalized the previous night. Should we be worried? Dr. Gérald Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens, takes stock.

This is a hard blow for the many fans of the singer with her recognizable vibrato: Sunday April 28, Véronique Sanson was unable to perform her planned concert in Nantes. The 75-year-old singer “suffers from pneumonia” and was hospitalized during the night from Saturday to Sunday” her press officer confirmed yesterday via AFP, explaining her absence on stage.

More fear than harm according to his team

However, nothing else has filtered out on the seriousness of his condition or the details of his health. But to date, his team does not seem to call into question his next meetings and wanted to be reassuring. “The concert has been postponed to Thursday May 30, tickets remain valid. Véronique will also meet her audience at the Grand Rex in June and at all summer festivals as planned”specified the same source.

The singer who celebrated her 75th birthday and 50th career last Wednesday at the Grand Rex must indeed return there in June and perform numerous concerts at numerous festivals this summer. A break like the one made in 2018 following tonsil cancer does not seem to be in the cards. However, his fans are impatiently awaiting details.

Pneumonia, an infection that worsens with age

The cause of this absence, however, should not be taken lightly, reminds us Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of TipsForWomens.

Pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection often caused by bacteria (pneumococcus, mycoplasma, etc.), viruses or fungi and leads to inflammation of the air sacs in the lungs, leading to symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and chest pain. But it can get serious.

“Although this condition can affect individuals of all ages, older adults are particularly vulnerable due to their weakened immune systems and the frequent presence of comorbidities. Pneumonia in older adults is often associated with increased severity, greater complications, and higher risk of death, emphasizing the importance of prompt and appropriate management, including preventive (pneumococcal) vaccination.

A danger that results in a score, Fine's scorewhich can raise a mortality risk of… 27% all the same depending on age and condition.