Diets and NutritionHealth and Fitness

What are the benefits of shrimp: four properties

What are the benefits of shrimp: four properties
  • What you need to know
  • Calories and nutritional value
  • Benefit
  • Harm
  • Expert commentary

The material was commented on:

Yana Kartaeva, nutritionist of the BestDoctor group of companies;

Ksenia Selezneva, nutritionist, PhD, candidate of medical sciences, head of the dietetics department at the European Medical Center (EMC).

What you need to know about shrimp

About 90% of shrimp sold are farmed

Shrimp are representatives of the order of crustaceans that live in salty sea or fresh water. Living in cold waters are usually small in size, warm water ones live in tropical regions and can reach 30 cm in length. Wild shrimp are most often caught in coastal waters. About 90% of shrimp that go on sale are farmed (1).

In cooking, shrimp are prepared in various ways: boiled, pan-fried or grilled. Some types can be eaten raw. Shrimp can be an independent appetizer or main dish, they added to salads and soups, used to make sushi and sashimi.

What are the benefits of shrimp: four properties

Shrimp calories and nutritional value

Shrimp is primarily composed of protein and water. 100 g of cooked shrimp contains approximately 99 kcal, as well as (2):

  • 74 ml water
  • 24 g protein
  • 0.3 g fat
  • 0.2 g carbohydrates
  • 189 mg cholesterol

Benefits of shrimp: 4 properties

Shrimp are low in carbohydrates and calories, but they are rich in nutrients. The healthiest way to cook them is —  for a couple

Shrimp is low in carbohydrates and calories, but rich in nutrients. The healthiest way to cook them is by steaming.

Shrimp contains many nutrients that can provide health benefits.

1. They have a rich composition

Shrimp is considered one of the best food sources of iodine. This is an important mineral that many people are often deficient in. It is necessary for proper functioning of the thyroid gland and brain health (3). Shrimp are also high in omega-3 fatty acids: they play an important role in metabolic processes and in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems (4). Shrimp contains antioxidants, the main one being astaxanthin. It is found in the algae that shrimp eat and may help protect cells from free radical damage and reduce the risk of developing some chronic diseases (5).

2. Helps Heart Health

Thanks to Shrimp contain astaxanthin and have a beneficial effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. This antioxidant can strengthen arteries and increase levels of high-density lipoprotein, or “good” cholesterol, an important factor in heart health (6).

3. Promotes Brain Health

Astaxanthin has many beneficial properties, including protects the body from oxidative stress. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can prevent damage to brain cells. This is what often leads to memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (7).

4. Suitable for dietary needs

Shrimp are low in carbohydrates and calories, so they can be added to your diet to normalize your weight. For this purpose, it is best to steam or boil shrimp. From high-calorie sauces you will have to refuse.

Damage to shrimp

Despite the overall health benefits, eating shrimp can lead to various side effects.

  1. Allergy. Crustaceans are among the most allergenic foods along with fish, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, milk and soy (8). The causative agents of the allergic reaction are the proteins tropomyosin, arginine kinases and hemocyanin (9). Symptoms may include a sore throat, digestive problems, difficulty breathing, and skin reactions. There is a risk of anaphylactic shock: this is a dangerous sudden reaction that can lead to loss of consciousness and even death if help is not provided in time (10).
  2. Harmful substances. Farmed shrimp may contain antibiotics. There is no evidence yet that the use of antibiotics in shrimp has any serious adverse health effects. However, this can lead to resistance to these drugs and cause outbreaks of untreatable diseases (11). An alternative option is to buy wild-caught shrimp.
  3. Intestinal infections. Eating raw shrimp can lead to the development of various intestinal infections, such as vibriosis, cholera, and stomach flu (1).
  4. Poisoning. If the shrimp have a stale odor, especially ammonia, do not eat it. This indicates bacterial growth, which can lead to poisoning (1).
  5. High cholesterol. Shrimp are high in cholesterol. People with high cholesterol should eat shrimp in moderation and consult their doctor (1).

Expert commentary

Shrimp —  this is one of the richest seafood in cholesterol: 100g of shrimp contains an average of 150-160g of cholesterol

Shrimp is one of the richest seafood in cholesterol: 100 g of shrimp contain an average of 150-160 g of cholesterol

About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]