
What is sculptural facial massage, who is it indicated for and how it is performed, reviews

What is sculptural facial massage, who is it indicated for and how it is performed, reviews

Modern cosmetology techniques can turn back time. But they often involve serious interventions: injections, surgical procedures, and the use of painful machines. If you are not ready for such radical measures, you will only have to sacrifice time. The benefits of massage have been known for a long time, but cosmetologists, together with doctors, are constantly improving its techniques.

  • What is this
  • Why do
  • Contraindicated for whom
  • Technique

The material was commented on:

Natalya Pravetskaya, Ph.D., cosmetologist-trichologist, chief physician of the Beauty Breeze Center for Beauty and Health;

Yulia Ilyina, cosmetologist and esthetician at the White Fox Rigamall beauty center.

What is facial sculpture massage

A cosmetologist affects not only the skin and lymph, but also the muscles

A cosmetologist affects not only the skin and lymph, but also the muscles

Sculptural massage is a cosmetic procedure that has a lymphatic drainage and tightening effect on the muscles and skin of the face. As a rule, it is done in beauty salons and cosmetologists' offices if there are indications and no contraindications. With regular use, such a procedure helps maintain the tone of the oval of the face and ensure microcirculation of blood in different layers of the dermis. Due to its mechanical action, massage movements help the ingredients of cosmetics used in the procedure to better penetrate the skin.

The fundamental difference between sculptural massage and classical or lymphatic drainage massage is that the cosmetologist acts not only on the skin and lymph, but also on the muscles, ligaments and periosteum.

What is sculptural facial massage, who is it for and how it is performed, reviews

Natalya Pravetskaya, Ph.D., cosmetologist-trichologist, chief physician of the Beauty Breeze Center for Beauty and Health

Sculptural massage is always a systemic massage that can combine different techniques.

Buccal massage – invention of French cosmetologist Joelle Siocco (1). The peculiarity of this technique is that some of the movements are carried out from inside the oral cavity.

Renos technology. According to Natalya Pravetskaya, this technique is aimed at preventing the formation of lower eyelid hernias and reducing facial swelling. The effect after a massage can be enhanced and prolonged by taping, which helps the muscles remember the new position.

Coruga massage. This is the application of pressure to the periosteum to model the shape. The massage affects not only the face itself, but also the scalp, décolleté, arms and even legs. At the end of the procedure, a fabric mask is applied using a bandage technique. Coruga massage combines acupressure techniques, deep work of the periosteum, as well as lymphatic drainage technique using cream with hands and a gouache plate.

Why do sculptural massage

Sculptural massage helps collagen production

Sculpting massage helps collagen production

Sculptural massage is indicated for the correction of age-related changes from 35 years of age, and for prevention – from 25 years of age, says cosmetologist-esthetician Yulia Ilyina. Thanks to the effect on the muscles, they work almost like during physical exercise – due to this, a lifting effect is achieved, and the skin becomes toned, which helps produce a small amount collagen (2).

What is sculptural facial massage, who is it indicated for and how it is performed, reviews

Yulia Ilyina, cosmetologist and esthetician at the White Fox Rigamall beauty center

Improve facial oval

Most massage techniques, especially those including the lymphatic drainage effect, are aimed at combating ptosis, that is, the so-called floating oval. With intense movements along the chin, the cosmetologist disperses the lymph, removing puffiness, and tones the muscles that lift the lower part of the face.

Sculpt cheekbones and cheeks

This is what buccal techniques are aimed at, involving the impact on the subcutaneous fat layer – buccal fat. These are the so-called Bisha lumps, that is, fatty layers in the cheeks that give the face a plumper appearance. Buccal techniques are aimed directly at changes in these areas, both outside and inside the oral cavity (3).

Relieve swelling

Thanks to its intense effect, massage accelerates lymph and improves blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on complexion and the fight against swelling.

Get rid of cramps

This effect can only be achieved with the help of a sculpting massage, because it affects the muscles and ligaments. This helps relieve spasms, if any. It can also help people suffering from bruxism (4).

Save money

A massage course cannot replace invasive or injection procedures or compare with them in effect. However, it is well suited for unexpressed problems and for preventing loss of turgor and skin tone. Massage is much cheaper than surgical interventions.

Who is contraindicated for sculptural massage?

Sculpture massage is a non-invasive procedure. This means that there are no serious interventions in the body; massage can be done by almost everyone. During the massage, cosmetic products are used; the cosmetologist acts on the upper skin and lymph. Therefore, contraindications include systemic conditions of the body, in which increased blood circulation may be harmful, and disorders of the skin on the face:

  • inflammation on the face and active phase of acne;
  • herpes;
  • cuts or other wounds on the face;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • thyroid disease.

Sculpture massage technique

Photo: Photos provided by the PR service of the Beauty Breeze clinic

This massage does not require any special preparation from the patient. It is enough to make sure that there is no damage to the skin and clean it. Sculptural massage, according to Natalya Pravetskaya, is started on dry skin, and then a cream or mask is added, the final part is done together with a cosmetic product. This method helps the beneficial substances from cosmetics penetrate deeper into the skin.

Photo: Photos provided by the PR service of the Beauty Breeze clinic

The massage uses pinching, stroking in a circular motion, pressing, kneading, and tapping (5).

There are also self-massage techniques that allow you to keep your skin toned, for example, between sessions, but you won’t be able to fully work out the muscles and other elements on your own. Scientists, in an attempt to test the effectiveness of massage in the fight against sagging skin, conducted an experiment. For two weeks, five people performed self-massage twice a day, and a CT scan confirmed the tightening effect (6).

About author

I pass by being that person liable to duty, but who cannot resist the flights of imagination. I have always loved the legends, the myths and the stories of the old and distant times with my whole being. In high school I fell in love with the history of art and I made it the object of my university studies. Once I graduated, I dusted off an old flame: that of children's literature. I rediscovered the beauty and importance of illustrated books and books, where, to a quality text, images are added that give strength and enrich what is narrated with meaning. It can be said that illustrators often make real works of art! It was then that I decided to follow this passion of mine both as a volunteer, entering the ranks of readers born to read, and in my work as a librarian. I am a greedy devoured of illustrated books (I have an absolute weakness for the stories that have bears or wolves as protagonists!), I love simple stories that know how to strike and surprise. I hate pigeon-holed books in a specific age group and readers in a certain category of readings. I think everyone is different and deserves to choose (and be chosen by the books) without constraints, in complete freedom! [email protected]