
10 ways to silence your anxiety before a first date

10 ways to silence your anxiety before a first date

Are you going to meet a new person for the first time and are you feeling stressed? It’s completely normal, before a romantic date, to feel some anxiety. Here are ten ways to control it, according to psychologist Siyana Mincheva.

Do you have a date and the closer it gets, the more your anxiety increases? This is normal and know that it is not impossible to silence her. To arrive at your meeting as calm as possible, here are ten tips from our psychologist Siyana Micheva.

Be in the present moment

What makes us stressed are our thoughts. “First of all, there is the fear of not being liked.” believes the psychologist. “It’s the one that generates anxiety, and makes you feel uncomfortable. If it overwhelms us, we have to question our self-confidence.”. To get rid of it, Siyana Mincheva recommends being in the present moment. “Whatever activity you do before your date, stay focused on it” she advises.

Cut away from your bad experiences of the past

The past can block us, but it is important to realize that it is the present moment that will determine the future and not the past. “By remaining ruminating on our previous failures, we can close ourselves off and not live in the present moment. explains the psychologist. “But it is quite the opposite that we must do: open up in order to enjoy your meeting and live it to the fullest.”.

Do a relaxing activity

To relieve stress, you can occupy your mind with a relaxing activity. “We can use a strategy that works well for everyone: humor.” advises the expert. “We also have to put things into perspective, tell ourselves that it’s just a meeting, that nothing has been done and that we still have to see if we like the person too…”.

Call a friend

The stress of a first date can be relieved by calling a friend. “Talking to someone who knows you well helps de-dramatize the situation.” notes Siyana Mincheva.

Using homeopathy

Using homeopathy and Bach flowers in particular can help with anxiety. “They work to improve well-being, blood pressure, heart rate, etc. It can help you relax naturally“advises the psychologist.”You can slip them into your pocket or handbag, it’s always reassuring to have natural methods to relieve stress, close at hand.”

Stay authentic

Trying to be perfect can ruin a first date,”It’s better to focus on authenticity and allow yourself to not be perfect, the stress will suddenly decrease. We must not be afraid to say to the person that we are a little stressed during this date, this allows us to remain real and authentic, without trying to be perfect.” assures the specialist.

Choose a comfortable place where you feel good

The psychologist advises against organizing a first date at home. “It’s better to meet a new person in a public place, everyone is free to choose what suits best, but a park or a place where you feel good is the right option.

To be ahead

Being a little early allows you to prepare mentally and be more comfortable. “You can make this famous phone call to this friend who will make you laugh, before your appointment“.

Getting ready for this meeting

To have self-confidence for a date, there’s nothing like a makeover. “Feed the self-confidence by treating yourself to a beauty treatment, by going to the hairdresser or by buying an outfit that highlights us, allows you to feel comfortable on your first date, without fear or anxiety.” believes the expert.

And finally… Breathe!

Practice it conscious breathingthis will help keep stress and anxiety away from the first date.” conclusion Siyana Mincheva.

About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]