
11 Signs You’re Undervalued in Your Relationship

11 Signs You're Undervalued in Your Relationship

The early passion has given way to a lukewarm relationship over time, and you wonder how your partner views you now? Here are 11 signs that indicate you are undervalued in a relationship. And something needs to change.

Lack of time or desire, fatigue, inevitable routine… You regret that your partner no longer looks at you with the eyes of love lately. But is this a slump, or a real imbalance in your relationship? These 11 signs, in any case, indicate that you are not being taken at your true value.

You feel taken for granted

As the relationship progresses, it’s common to take the person you’re with for granted, to assume that they will always be there to meet your needs or desires. However, this is an error. If you notice that your efforts to please him are never recognized or noticed, it means that you are undervalued.

He or she does not take your needs into account

Is your partner consistently neglecting what you want or need, whether it’s emotional support, quality time together, or help completing tasks? This may mean that he is self-centered and/or doesn’t care (anymore) about you.

Communication becomes one-sided

Nothing better than good communication as a couple to move forward together. But if you find yourself being the only person who listens, or the only one who talks (while your significant other only listens with one ear), this indicates a lack of interest in you. And one-sided communication cannot result in a fulfilling relationship.

He or she seems to have “the power”

If your partner exerts control or dominance in the relationship, makes unilateral decisions and expects you to comply with them without question, you are definitely undervalued in your relationship. Whether it is because he earns more than you, or because he feels superior, your partner shows that he feels more important than you.

Your opinions are dismissed or ignored

No one should have their thoughts, feelings and points of view systematically dismissed or ignored. A healthy relationship is one in which you feel loved and respected, and in which you can express your opinions and concerns, even if they differ from those of your partner. Rejecting your opinions and ideas is a bad sign for the future.

Your partner doesn’t prioritize your happiness

Of course, your partner may have their own passions and hobbies. But if your happiness does not belong to one of his daily priorities, if he makes no effort to ensure that you are satisfied (apart from a period of temporary stress) it is only a imbalance occurs between you.

Shows of affection and appreciation are rare

When small signs of affection, intimate gestures or even compliments become non-existent, this may mean that your relationship has become obsolete.

He or she does not celebrate your achievements

Have you worked hard on a personal project, reached a milestone in your life, or achieved something you’re proud of, but your partner shows no enthusiasm or worse, ignores your achievement? This can affect you personally.

Criticism is more common than praise

When criticism outweighs praise in a relationship, it is a sign that your relationship is deteriorating. Be careful because this attitude can also lead you to devalue yourself.

He or she does not support your goals

Want to retrain? To find a meaningful activity? If your partner doesn’t encourage or help you pursue your aspirations and dreams, you will always feel unsupported and powerless.

He or she no longer takes time for you

Again, your partner may have personal commitments that are important to them. But if he has no time for you at all, doesn’t offer anything or always seems too busy to accommodate your desire for time together, it makes you feel like you’re second to all priorities. A feeling that also affects your self-esteem.

Change course, or change couple

In a healthy relationship, making time for each other is crucial to building intimacy and connection. When one partner fails or no longer succeeds, it begins to put a strain on the relationship, especially if one of the people feels isolated and undermined in their self-esteem.

Are you struggling with these questions? It is important to take the situation into account: a period of stress at work or temporary difficulties can indeed tarnish the bond that unites you. But if this feeling and signs of disinterest continue, it’s time to have a serious conversation with your partner about how you’re feeling and what changes you can both make to strengthen your bond. If here again, you only encounter a wall, and no sign of questioning, perhaps it is time to question this unbalanced couple.

About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]