Have you recently had a baby and aren’t getting the help you need? A few tips and advice help you to be better organized on a daily basis. Explanations.
Laundry, meals, work, short nights… After the birth of a baby, it is common to feel overwhelmed. To receive timely help, the Healthine site has established a survival guide. Here are the 12 strategies you need to know as a young parent.
1. Express your needs
Although this advice seems (too) simple, few people manage to express their needs effectively. In this case “Making a list or keeping a journal can be an effective way to find out what’s really going on in your mind.”, explains licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Anna Hiatt Nicholaides, to the magazine. “Once you have identified your need, you can think about how to communicate it.”
Most important ? Make a list of your needs, in order of priority.
2. Keep a to-do list handy
While it is not always easy to ask for help orally, having a small list of things to do at hand – and giving it to the lucky few in due time – can greatly help you. Your mother, your cousin or your friend will be able to better understand your needs.
3. Ask your loved ones
Reaching out once is hard enough. Doing it a second time can be even more uncomfortable.
“It’s disheartening to have your needs ignored, especially when you dedicate your life to your child’s needs…and you deserve to be cared for too.”says Dr. Anna Hiatt Nicholaide.
In this situation, “continue to seek to meet your needs, whatever they may be. If your spouse does not react, turn to your family or close friends.”
4. Have meals delivered to your home
Certain sites, which offer all kinds of services, offer you the possibility of simplifying your daily life. Those who offer delivery meals are among them. So why not use it from time to time?
5. Use online support platforms
These days, there is no shortage of apps and websites to ease the burden on new parents. Some volunteers (neighbors, members of a parent-child group, etc.) are ready to help you free of charge.
“After having twins and realizing I needed more help, I created a signup through SignUp Genius for people to come by the house, hold my girls and give them a bottle.”, explains Bethany C to the Healthine site. “Besides the physical help, it was really nice to have social interaction during this crazy time,” she admits.
6. Choose a contact person to help you
Due to lack of time or embarrassment, it can be difficult to ask loved ones for help. In this case, choosing a reference person (friend or family member) can be very useful: they will be able to make things happen for you!
7. Use social media wisely
Social networks can be very useful for young parents: they can find support and/or find valuable information there.
8. Hire someone
If your budget allows it, delegating certain tasks – such as cleaning – to professionals can save valuable time (and energy!).
9. Join a support group
When family or friends are failing, or you are simply geographically isolated, sharing your daily life within a parental group can be beneficial.
10. Communicate with professionals
When you find yourself in a bind, calling on medical professionals may be a good idea. Lactation consultants, pediatricians and family therapists are here to help!
11. Ask passersby for help
Have you had several times been stuck with your stroller in front of a staircase or dropped your shopping bag on the ground, with your newborn in your arms? In this case, appeal to the kindness of a stranger. Most of the time, passers-by show solidarity and empathy with the young parents.
12. Communicate with your partner
This is the most valuable help: that of your partner, of the co-parent. The idea here? Find the right time to discuss – with kindness and flexibility – about the organization of daily life (shopping, household chores, childcare, etc.).
Don’t say thank you!