5 good reasons to switch to intuitive eating

5 good reasons to switch to intuitive eating

Different from a diet, intuitive eating is a way of eating based on feelings. This approach has various advantages, but also some disadvantages. Let’s take stock with Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist.

To put an end to restrictive diets and reconnect with your dietary needs, it is possible to adopt intuitive eating. What does it consist of? What are its advantages and disadvantages ? Let’s take stock with Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist.

Intuitive eating is a way of “listening to yourself”

When we adopt intuitive eating, we listen to our sensations, listening to our hunger and without forcing ourselves to eat three meals a day, if that is not what suits us. “It’s a way of eating that allows you to reconnect with your feelings” confirms Alexandra Murcier

Intuitive eating does not prohibit any food

Intuitive eating is a way of eating that is based on the needs and signals that our body sends us. “It’s not restrictive, there’s no deprivation, so it doesn’t lead to breakdown later.” notes Alexandra Murcier. For example, if you have a sweet tooth, you can eat two squares of chocolate without feeling guilty.

Intuitive eating is a sustainable way of eating

By adopting intuitive eating, it is more of a lifestyle that we adopt. “It is a method that can help stabilize your weight over time and that can be followed over the long term.” adds the expert.

Intuitive eating helps calm your relationship with food

If we have an unhealthy relationship with food, with guilt when we eat certain foods, for example, it can help to find a more peaceful relationship.” notes the dietitian-nutritionist.

Intuitive eating is an easy method to implement

As there is no question of sorting foods or counting calories, intuitive eating is “easy and natural” and allows you not to be hungry, because you listen to your sensations.

Be careful, because the method may not be suitable for everyone

Presented this way, intuitive eating may seem like the ideal diet. In reality, recalls Alexandra Murcier, this method cannot suit everyone.

When you are too disconnected from your sensations, particularly satiety, this method can be difficult to implement and requires work with a professional to “relearn” how to pay attention to your sensations. says the dietitian. In the same way, “if we are too compulsivethis strategy can even cause you to gain weight.. According to Alexandra Murcier, it is then necessary “identify the emotions that trigger compulsions and learn to manage them other than with food”.

To sum up, “Intuitive eating involves instinctively eating what you need in the quantities you need, but certainly not eating anything at any time” she concludes.

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