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9 Benefits of Vitamin E that You Can Get

So far, vitamin E is mostly known as a vitamin that is good for skin health. In fact, the benefits of this vitamin are actually very diverse, including preventing disease and making hair healthier.

Vitamin E can be produced naturally in the body, but you can also get it from food or supplements.

Benefits of vitamin E for body health

Some of the benefits of vitamin E for the body include:

1. Antioxidants

Vitamin E is a nutrient that contains antioxidants which are very important for the body, both topically and internally. This antioxidant can prevent oxidative damage to body cells by repelling free radical particles.

For the skin, free radical particles can quickly destroy anything they encounter, such as skin proteins, cell membrane, to DNA. This is where the main function of vitamin E is to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

2. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin

Vitamin E is good for moisturizing and healthy skin
Vitamin E is good for moisturizing and healthy skin

Vitamin E is also useful for maintaining healthy facial skin, because it can moisturize and make the skin healthier. When the skin experiences problems such as redness or pimples appearvitamin E can make facial skin more hydrated so that it can slowly become healthier.

3. Anti-inflammatory

Another function of vitamin E for facial beauty is to reduce inflammation in the skin. Inflamed skin will usually look red or sore. However, not everyone whose skin is inflamed is suitable for use skincare which contains vitamin E. You see, for people whose skin is very oily, sensitive, or prone to acne, vitamin E can trigger allergic reactions such as itching and irritation.

4. Relieves eczema symptoms

People who have problems with eczema can be helped by the presence of vitamin E. Taking vitamin E supplements is considered good for reducing oxidative stress, so that eczema symptoms will subside. However, of course the use of vitamin E to relieve eczema symptoms requires allergy testing and under the supervision of a doctor. The reaction can be different for each person.

5. Hormone production

One of the functions of vitamin E is to help produce the hormone prostaglandin. This hormone is responsible for controlling body functions such as blood pressure to muscle contraction.

6. Prevent disease

Ensuring the body gets enough vitamin E can also prevent several diseases. Examples are cancer, heart disease, or diseases related to decreased cognitive function.

Vitamin E also plays a role in strengthening the immune system. A strong immune system will reduce your risk of contracting viral or bacterial infections. This benefit of vitamin E also has other effects, in the form of increasing activity between cells so that the body’s metabolism runs normally.

7. Launch blood circulation

Vitamin E is useful for improving blood circulation
Vitamin E is useful for improving blood circulation

Consuming vitamin E will make it easier for the body to absorb vitamin K which helps facilitate the production of new blood cells in the body. Apart from that, vitamin E can also dilate blood vessels, thereby preventing blood clots from forming along the channels, so it is good for heart health.

8. Helps the wound healing process

The next function of vitamin E is to help the wound healing process. In a research published in Indian Dermatology Online Journalvitamin E supplements are believed to be able to shorten the wound healing process.

However, further studies are still needed to prove the function of this vitamin E.

9. Good for hair health

Vitamin E is a type of hair vitamin that is useful for helping maintain a healthy scalp, preventing hair loss, and making it look thick and shiny. This benefit comes from its natural antioxidant effect which can reduce the amount of oxidative stress, a common cause of damaged hair.

Foods that contain vitamin E

Foods that contain vitamin E
Foods that contain vitamin E

The good news is that vitamin E is found in various healthy foods, from nuts, fruit and vegetables. For adults, the recommended daily consumption is 15 mg of vitamin E per day.

Several types of food sources of vitamin E from plant and animal sources include:

  • Sunflower seeds: 35 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Almonds: 26 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Hazelnuts: 15 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Peanuts: 8.3 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Avocado: 2.1 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Mango: 0.9 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Kiwi: 1.5 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Abalone: ​​4 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Goose meat: 1.7 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Salmon: 1.1 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Snails: 5 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Fish eggs: 7 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving
  • Lobster: 1 mg vitamin E/100 gram serving

With lots of food containing vitamin E around, it means that an individual will not be susceptible to vitamin E deficiency. However, there are times when this happens because there is a disease that interferes with the fat absorption process, such as cystic fibrosis or diseases related to the liver.

Recommended daily requirement for vitamin E

Even farther, recommendations for consuming vitamin E Every day is different for everyone. The following are the daily vitamin E requirements for each person based on their age range National Institute of Health:

  • Age 0-5 months: 4 mg
  • Age 7-12 months: 5 mg
  • Age 1-3 years: 6 mg
  • Ages 4-8 years: 7 mg
  • Ages 9-13 years: 11 mg
  • Age over 14 years: 15 mg
  • Nursing mothers: 19 mg

Meeting your daily vitamin E needs is very important. Vitamin E deficiency can cause various health problems, such as muscle weakness, nerve disorders, tingling, problems with the immune system, and even vision problems.

With the abundance of natural sources of vitamin E from food, many studies do not recommend vitamin E from supplements. Eating healthy foods remains the best natural source of vitamin E.

If you are still unsure about which foods are the most effective and provide the dosage according to your daily vitamin E needs, consult a nutritionist so you know exactly what you should consume.

Side effects of vitamin E on the body that need to be considered

Even though it has many benefits, consuming vitamin E should not be excessive. The reason is, excess intake of vitamin E can cause various health problems, especially bleeding disorders for those of you who are using blood thinning drugs.

Consuming vitamin E supplements can also sometimes cause several side effects, such as:

  • Nauseous
  • Headache
  • Skin rash
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea

If you feel you are deficient in vitamin E, taking supplements could be an option. However, make sure you consult a doctor first.

About author

Maria Teolis is a psychologist. Collaborator at the Elpis Center of Ispra (Varese) multidisciplinary study specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders (behavioral disorders, learning, etc.), psychotherapy for children and adults, psychomotor, pedagogical, speech therapy, educational and osteopathic treatment, where she deals with training activities and strengthening specific skills and is involved in different types of projects aimed at children and adolescents. It collaborates with a cooperative offering educational and support services to children and young people with behavioral problems, learning or problems of different nature related to the evolutionary sphere. Attentive to the aspects of psycho-motor development, she carries out activities with children aimed at strengthening and increasing motor, emotional and relational skills. She currently attends a master in Sports Psychology. [email protected]