
Three procedures for moisturizing, rejuvenating and radiant skin: expert advice

Three procedures for moisturizing, rejuvenating and radiant skin: expert advice

Beauty injections

Some of the most common skin problems are lack of moisture, dull complexion and lack of radiance. Injections with biorevitalizers can quickly fix the situation, literally within 20 minutes. A clinic specialist can select a product with amino acids or hyaluronic acid. Together they give the result: the skin becomes moisturized and begins to glow from the inside. As a rule, such injections do not leave traces, that is, you can immediately run errands or go on a date.

Laser therapy

Among the hardware methods that quickly show all that they are capable of, laser therapy takes the leading position. It works like Photoshop: it tightens the “double chin”, giving the face a clearer oval, levels out pores and the visibility of blood vessels, and also evens out skin tone and gives it radiance. These effects will be noticeable almost immediately, but the result will improve over the course of a month or longer.

During the procedure itself, you may feel a slight warmth, and afterwards there is a possibility that slight hyperemia will appear. (reddening of the skin due to blood flow)which will take place within a few hours.

Photo: press service


This is my original method of non-surgical facial rejuvenation and beautification. This is a personalized procedure that gives a natural result: the skin becomes more hydrated, firmer and more elastic, as the stimulation of the production of its own collagen and elastin is launched. Tissue regeneration is accelerated, and the protective properties of the dermis are increased. In addition, the oval is tightened, jowls and a “double chin” disappear, nasolabial folds are filled, lost volume is replenished and the ligamentous apparatus, which changes with age, is strengthened.

Photo: press service

Also during this procedure, the purse-string wrinkles (vertical folds around the lips) and the perioral area are worked on. And despite the fact that we do not touch the lips themselves, their configuration changes, the corners are tightened. After this procedure, the face does not look puffy or inflated, it becomes more harmonious, symmetrical and youthful, preserving the natural structure of the tissues.

The essence of the method is that a personally selected combination of preparations (fillers) based on hyaluronic acid is injected very deep into the dermis, onto the periosteum. The procedure is painless, since the preparation is injected not with a needle, but with a cannula, and the puncture sites tighten literally within two minutes, so there is no need for anesthesia and no rehabilitation period.

Another advantage of the method is that it takes a minimum of time – only 15 minutes. At the same time, the effect of the procedure lasts from one and a half to three years.

Photo: press service

About author

I pass by being that person liable to duty, but who cannot resist the flights of imagination. I have always loved the legends, the myths and the stories of the old and distant times with my whole being. In high school I fell in love with the history of art and I made it the object of my university studies. Once I graduated, I dusted off an old flame: that of children's literature. I rediscovered the beauty and importance of illustrated books and books, where, to a quality text, images are added that give strength and enrich what is narrated with meaning. It can be said that illustrators often make real works of art! It was then that I decided to follow this passion of mine both as a volunteer, entering the ranks of readers born to read, and in my work as a librarian. I am a greedy devoured of illustrated books (I have an absolute weakness for the stories that have bears or wolves as protagonists!), I love simple stories that know how to strike and surprise. I hate pigeon-holed books in a specific age group and readers in a certain category of readings. I think everyone is different and deserves to choose (and be chosen by the books) without constraints, in complete freedom! [email protected]