
A cheap way to deal with wrinkles. All you need is a product you probably have in your fridge

A cheap way to deal with wrinkles.  All you need is a product you probably have in your fridge

Wrinkles, especially those around the eyes, are the first signs of skin aging. However, you don't have to spend a fortune to prevent or reduce them. Try this home remedy to eliminate wrinkles. Just use this popular product.

A cheap way to deal with wrinkles.  All you need is a product you probably have in your fridge

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You don't have to spend a fortune on Botox to get rid of wrinkles. It is worth using natural and, above all, cheap methods. You only need to spend a symbolic zloty, because that's how much one egg costs. This product, which is found in almost every refrigerator, will help reduce wrinkles.

Why an egg? Well, egg white is an excellent source of collagen, elastin and albumin. Thanks to this, it significantly improves skin elasticity, tightens it and reduces pores. Thanks to the magnesium content, it delays the skin aging process, and the presence of potassium affects its hydration. Egg white is also a source of vitamin A, which improves the appearance of the skin.

How to make an egg face mask?

Making an anti-wrinkle egg mask is very simple. Just break one egg and separate the white from the yolk. The egg white should be beaten until foamy. Simply apply the resulting mass to the skin around the eyes and keep it for about 15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with lukewarm water and gently wipe the skin with a towel.

After washing off the mask, the skin will become taut and visibly smoother. Such a nourishing mask improves the condition of the skin, makes it elastic, reduces already existing wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.