Health and Fitness

Alert in the sanitary facilities of our schools! A hundred children burned because of the disinfectants used

Alert in the sanitary facilities of our schools!  A hundred children burned because of the disinfectants used

The National Health Security Agency publishes this Thursday a report to alert on disinfectants used in French schools and summer camps. In 5 years, these have been responsible for more than a hundred skin reactions and burns in the youngest.

According to a report published today by the National Health Security Agency (Anses), certain biocidal disinfectants used in community toilets (schools and outdoor centres) have caused more than a hundred accidents in young children between 2017 and 2022. .

Redness and cases of severe burns in children

During this period, no less than 118 cases of skin damage were recorded by poison control centers in children in the community, redness, pimples and irritation, but also burns, sometimes serious, especially in little girls who sit on the toilet bowl.

Although the skin lesions were mostly of low severity, eleven children nevertheless presented with a second degree burn and one child required a skin graft for a third degree burn on the buttocks.“the statement read.

An abuse of disinfection in question?

According to the statement, the accidents are mainly related to “errors in the use of disinfectants (lack of rinsing or dilution, product unsuitable for the use made of it, etc.)“, but also missing instructions for use or confusing information on the labels.

The survey also reveals that “a strong increase was observed in 2020 and 2021, most likely linked to the reinforcement of disinfection actions implemented during the Covid-19 epidemic, in particular the disinfection of objects such as tables, chairs, toys“. But new cases were reported in early 2023 and suggest that the problem is not resolved today.

How to protect the skin of our children?

To prevent these burns and skin damage from continuing, ANSES recommends changing the disinfection method in communities:

  • Use products suitable for the surfaces;
  • Favor the least dangerous products, ready to use, with clear and simple instructions;
  • Rinse the products after application or accidental spillage;
  • Do not perform disinfection cleaning in the presence of children;
  • Improve staff training;
  • Remove soaked clothing and wash skin thoroughly with water in case of skin contact.

However, if skin lesions appear, ANSES recommends consulting a doctor or calling a poison control centre.