
Apply to your hair and it will grow like crazy. Just mix these 4 ingredients

Apply to your hair and it will grow like crazy.  Just mix these 4 ingredients

Hair loss is a problem faced by women and men of all ages. Its causes can be very different. The most common ones include, among others: inadequate care, bad habits or a diet low in nutrients. So how can you stop hair loss? It turns out there is a simple way to do it. A homemade mask with 4 ingredients works wonders and costs pennies.

Apply to your hair and it will grow like crazy.  Just mix these 4 ingredients

Is your hair falling out? Try this simple method

Seeing hair on a brush, comb or in the shower every day can cause anxiety. In reality, however, this problem has different causes. Sometimes unhealthy eating, poor beauty habits, and severe stress intensify the problem, which often occurs in women and men regardless of age. It also happens that hair loss is a sign of a serious disease, including: psoriasis, Hashimoto’s disease or seborrheic dermatitis.

How to effectively fight hair loss and accelerate hair growth? One of the effective methods is a homemade yeast mask, which will nourish and regenerate your hair and give it a natural, healthy shine. Only four ingredients are needed to prepare it. You certainly have them in your kitchen. These are:

  • ¼ cube of fresh baker’s yeast,
  • half a glass of warm water,
  • 100 ml of natural yogurt,
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

Yeast hair mask. How to make and use it?

First, pour warm water over the yeast and leave for 30 minutes. After this time, add the remaining ingredients and mix them thoroughly. The mask should be applied to the entire hair, gently massaged into the scalp and left for half an hour. Then rinse the home remedy with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo. Thanks to this form of care, the strands grow like crazy and, most importantly, they look beautiful and healthy.

However, if your hair falls out in handfuls, you should first consult a doctor. He will refer you to appropriate tests to detect the source of this condition.