
Being extroverted: a quality or a fault?

Being extroverted: a quality or a fault?

Extroversion is a behavior that results in being turned toward the outside world. Although this character trait is rather positive, it can sometimes be described as “unembarrassed”. Update with Johanna Rozenblum, clinical psychologist.

Introversion and extroversion refer to two ways of being with oneself and with the world. Where the introvert tends to withdraw into himself, the extrovert directs his attention towards the outside world. This typology was first proposed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung in 1921 in his work Psychological Types. Since then, it has been widely used in personality assessments.

Definition: what does extrovert mean?

Exuberant, open, expansive, demonstrative… whatever the name chosen, everyone has an extroverted person in their entourage.

Extroversion is characterized by ease of establishing contact with others, to express your emotions and energy. “The extrovert is an individual who has the desire to be spontaneous, communicative, curious and quite active within the group in which he likes to have a leadership role”, describes Johanna Rozenblum. “Conversely, introverted people are more analytical, critical, foresighted and sensitive. Extroverted people are naturally more socially enthusiasticthey combine centers of interest and they establish contact more easily with otherswhatever the situation.”

A very communicative character which becomes crucial. “Extroverted people need a lot of stimulation, outings, parties, challenges and activities that allow them to be in contact with others. They often favor group activities and avoid solitary activities. who have little interest in their eyes. The extrovert seeks contact with others because this is what allows him to express his energy and recharge his batteries. specifies our expert.

What is an extroverted person? How do you know if you are extroverted?

Several signs can indicate an extroverted personality:

  • A tendency to talk a lot and listen little;
  • A desire to be a leader in a group;
  • A permanent need for contact and exchange with others;
  • A great repartee;
  • A tendency to move from one topic to another;
  • The desire to do many social activities;
  • The taste for teamwork;
  • A great open-mindedness;
  • Being able to hold a conversation for hours;
  • Not liking solitude;
  • Risk taking.

Extrovert or introvert: what are the differences between extroversion and introversion?

Introversion and extroversion are two diametrically opposed ways of being. Where the introvert prefers solitude to recharge his batteries, the extrovert gets his energy from others. A characteristic that is verified in all spheres of daily life: at work, in social relationships, as well as in personal life.

For example, the introvert prefers to work alone while the extrovert likes teamwork.

In the same way, if an extrovert is able to make conversation for several hours, the introvert prefers short interactions because prolonged contact with others exhausts him.

Extroverts like large gatheringsintroverts prefer small committee meetings.

The extrovert makes friends quickly, he trusts people easily and is not afraid to take riskshe is much less reflective than the introvert.

Indeed, where the extrovert rushes to speak to present his arguments, the introvert only speaks if he is convinced of the usefulness of what he has to say. He prefers to observe and analyze and has great listening skills.

Being extroverted, a quality or a fault?

Extroversion is neither a quality nor a fault, it is a way of being that can please some and displease others. The extroverted attitude can, for example, prove very useful in the field of work since the subject is not afraid to assert themselves and propose their ideas.

On the other hand, it can be annoying in the friendly sphere, especially if the extroverted person tends to cut off those they are talking to and not listen to them.

Good in his body, good in his head!

How to become extroverted or, on the contrary, be less so?

“Extroversion is often a personality. It is therefore difficult to ask an extrovert to be less extroverted and move towards introversion.. On the other hand, becoming aware of the fact that one is very extroverted and that this extroversion tires those around them can allow the person to learn to inhibit their behavior a little to avoid irritating people who are not extroverted and who feel invaded by this personality“, develops Johanna Rozenblum.

How can we regulate this need for communication without going against its deep nature? “The extroverted individual can try to talk a little less, listen more to others, ask them less, wait until they have plans, ideas for activities to propose rather than always wanting to be the proactive leader” advises our expert.

A change which can have real advantages according to Johanna Rozenblum: “Taking a step back to avoid being hurtful or too intrusive in the relationship with others is also essential for building deeper, more peaceful relationships, and being more involved in meeting others. rather than doing it with the other”.

About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]