
Birch sap: what it is, benefits, medicinal and nutritional properties, what it is used for, contraindications

Birch sap: what it is, benefits, medicinal and nutritional properties, what it is used for, contraindications

Birch sap or Betula verrucosa sap is a precious remedy extracted from the homonymous plant. The juice is a real panacea for the well-being of the body. In fact, the drink has an excellent detox and draining action. Furthermore, the syrup remineralizes the bones, rejuvenates the skin and counteracts hair loss.

Birch sap is easily available in herbal medicine or online retailers. You can find it in the form of juice or as a bud extract to be taken in drops.

The recommended daily dose is 100/120 ml of pure lymph. Alternatively, 60 drops of Betula verrucosa sap can be taken twice a day.

Birch sap: what is it

Birch sap is a clear liquid, tending to white, with a sweetish taste.

The production of the herbal remedy takes place through a particular extraction method carried out on the trunk of the Verrucosa Birch plant. The remedy has interesting therapeutic properties and is successfully used in the treatment of certain physical ailments such as water retention and swollen legs.

The birch sap was consumed, for therapeutic reasons, both by the Celts and by the Scandinavian populations. The latter had given the remedy the name of “birch blood”, with reference to the purifying and energetic properties of the medicinal plant.

Discover our in-depth study on birch.

Nutritional values

A 100ml bottle of birch sap contains:

  • Energy: 3 Kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 1 g
  • Sugars: 1 g
  • Calcium: 7 mg
  • Magnesio: 133 mg
  • Zinco: 0.1 mg
  • Manganese: 1 mg.

Birch sap: properties and benefits

Keeps bones strong and healthy

300 ml of birch sap contain 3 mg of manganese, equivalent to 130% of the recommended daily value.

Manganese (Mn) is a trace element found in body tissues, especially bones. The mineral has an adjuvant role in the formation processes of bone cartilage and collagen. It also promotes bone remineralization.

Low-manganese diets predispose to osteopenia (reduction in bone mass). It is a particular systemic skeletal condition that reduces bone mineral density.

An insufficient presence of manganese in the body has also been found in subjects suffering from osteoporosis. Thus, the intake of the trace element with zinc and copper slows down the bone decalcification process in older women.

The recommended daily amount of manganese is 1.8 mg for women and 2.3 mg for men.

Rich source of antioxidants

It has a high concentration of antioxidant polyphenols. These molecules are able to counteract the accumulation of free radicals which determine the conditions of oxidative stress.

However, when the body fails to eliminate oxidizing chemicals, it creates a fertile ground for the onset of autoimmune and degenerative diseases.

Additionally, the birch plant contains an organic compound called betulin. The human body converts betulin into betulinic acid: a terpene that has interesting pharmacological properties. In fact, betulinic acid exerts a dual action: antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Excellent supply of vitamin C

An essential micronutrient and a powerful antioxidant that protects our system from endogenous and exogenous oxidative stress. Ascorbic acid supports the immune system and prevents both respiratory and systemic infections.

Purifying action

The birch sap bud extract has an effective detox action. In fact, it is able to eliminate not only the toxins and uric acids accumulated in the body but also water retention.

Furthermore, the herbal remedy interacts with the lymphatic system: an element attributed to the regulation and purification of liquids accumulated in the tissues.

Rejuvenates and hydrates the skin

Birch sap is often used, as an ingredient, in cosmetic lotions with moisturizing and antioxidant properties. The herbal remedy stimulates the activity of skin fibroblasts and keratonitis. These cells are responsible for the synthesis of extracellular matrix and keratin.

Hence, birch sap in high concentrations has a rejuvenating effect on skin health as it makes it healthy and rejuvenated.

The cosmetic action of birch sap is given by the complex of amino acids and minerals present in the medicinal plant. Thanks to these precious elements, the drink is able to effectively counteract the progressive skin aging.

The high concentrations of vitamin C present in birch sap protect the epidermis from photo damage caused by exposure to UV rays. Furthermore, ascorbic acid exerts an interesting anti-aging action on the skin as it stimulates the production of enzymes involved in the formation of collagen.

Counteracts hair loss

Vitamin C present in the lymph not only increases the production of collagen but also facilitates the absorption of iron. Two conditions that guarantee a strengthening effect on the hair and faster hair growth.

Ascorbic acid plays a vital role in stopping hair loss. It is especially effective when this disorder is linked to an iron deficiency.

Furthermore, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and protects the hair shaft from the aggression of free radicals. Condition that causes damage to hair cells.


It is a remedy for:

  • remineralize bones.
  • Inhibit the damage caused by free radicals.
  • Eliminate toxins accumulated in the body.
  • Moisturize the skin.
  • Treating hair loss.

Birch sap: how to take it

It should be taken on an empty stomach, preferably upon waking.

It is usually administered pure, by pouring about 100/120 ml of the drink into a glass. Alternatively, the herbal remedy can be mixed in a little water or fruit juice to taste.

The aroma of the drink is sweetish and is pleasant to the palate, for this reason it does not need to be sweetened.

It can also be consumed during breakfast. It can be added to a smoothie and is also a valid substitute for milk.

To obtain a detox effect it is recommended to take the pure drink, daily, for at least two weeks. If you want to benefit from a deep detoxifying action, the treatment must be continued for at least a month. Shake the bottle vigorously before use.

Betula verrucosa sap bud extract is a hydroglyceroalcoholic solution used successfully in the herbal field. The recommended dosage is 60 drops to be taken twice a day, for a total of 120 drops per day. The solution must be diluted in a little water.


If consumed respecting the indicated dosage, it is to be considered safe and free of side effects.

However, birch pollen allergy sufferers should not consume the herbal drink.

Furthermore, it is advisable not to exceed with the intake, as the high concentration of manganese can be toxic to the body. This recommendation must be scrupulously respected by people with impaired liver function.

The maximum daily tolerance limit of manganese is 9/10 mg for adults and 2/6 mg for children.

It is recommended not to take the product during pregnancy or while breastfeeding and not to exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not administer to children.

Buying guide for birch sap

It can be purchased in herbal medicine, natural product stores and online retailers. The organic production logo of the European Union must be present on the bottle containing the remedy, depicting a stylized leaf made with the stars of the European Union.

The price of the bottle is around 20 euros, in the 500 g format.

Collection and production of birch sap

The collection takes place with a particular procedure.

The extraction process begins between the end of winter and the beginning of spring, especially during the first days of March. Adult birches that lie spontaneously in wooded areas are mainly used.

The harvesting procedure involves making holes in the trunk of the plant. The drilling must take place about one meter above the ground.

Special tubes are placed inside the holes in which the lymph flows. Tanks for the collection of sap are placed on the ground. The yield is greater if the harvesting technique is carried out on medium-sized birches, present at high altitudes.

After harvesting, the sap is subjected to precise processing in the laboratory to transform itself into Betula verrucosa sap, used in gemmotherapy.

The birch is transported in special refrigerated trucks to avoid the fermentation of the remedy. Otherwise, the therapeutic properties of the plant would be altered.

30% alcohol is added to the sap. The compound is vigorously stirred and subsequently titrated. Ultimately, the remedy is subjected to the first decimal dilution.

The warty birch sap bud extract must be kept in special dark glass containers in order to be subsequently taken in drops.

  • USDA– U.S.Department of agriculture
  • Researchgate.
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    About author

    My name is Angela Cannovale, I really enjoy helping people find happiness and feel good about themselves. I think that feeling good is important because it helps you do well in life. To me, being healthy is not just about lifting weights. It involves taking care of your body by doing things like stretching, warming up, eating healthy food, and getting enough rest and sleep. I love showing others what their bodies can do with a little bit of effort. My goal is to help you achieve a happy and balanced lifestyle that will keep you healthy in the future.
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