
Checklist: 7 important things that need to be completed before winter

Checklist: 7 important things that need to be completed before winter

The beginning of winter for many is the beginning of stress. Not only because of the calendar start of cold weather, but also because in the pre-New Year period one often has to solve a lot of problems at the same time: household, work and personal. This makes December a real marathon under the motto “do everything”, at the finish line of which (that is, at the New Year’s table with the chimes ringing) there is no longer any strength, energy, or emotions left.

To avoid fatigue and stress and enter the next year with anticipation of a new life, we suggest starting to close gestalts now. You can print out this plan, hang it in a visible place and put a tick next to each completed item, and at the same time keep a shopping list, which will significantly speed up the process.

1. Arrange the apartment

It is much more pleasant to experience the cold and darkness outside the window in a cozy, warm and functional apartment, which eliminates all external irritants. Number one purchase here – a coffee machine that will save you from the need to go outside for hot coffee in chilly weather, allowing you to make it at home, and then wrap yourself in a blanket and leisurely drink a latte, enjoying the soft flickering of a candle and music that can be turned on and changed on a smart speaker without getting up from the couch.

You can also turn your apartment into a therapeutic space by lamps with imitation of sunlight, an acute shortage of which is felt from October to March. It not only keeps you alert and improves your mood, but also simply helps your eyesight, especially for those who work or study remotely. There are several variations of such lamps, and some of them are connected to an alarm clock, helping to wake up in the early dark morning. Another seasonal must-have is an air humidifier, which also helps improve your well-being. Lack of freshness and humidity in the apartment causes, among other things, headaches and dry skin.

2. Warm yourself

It’s worth thinking in advance about how to survive the cold. In some cases you can warm up a handmade blanket made of soft cotton and coffee from a mug from the Imperial Porcelain Factory, but the lower the thermometer drops, the more radical measures are needed. If the slippers are made of suede with sheepskin padding (for example, the UGG brand makes these), if the underwear is made of thermal underwear that heats up based on body temperature, retains heat and removes moisture (for example, the Norfin brand is popular among those who engage in hiking and winter wear). fishing). And of course, nothing better than room heaters have yet been invented to combat frost. True, you need to choose them wisely, focusing on the area of ​​the apartment, operating power and type of control – modern convectors can be turned on and off from a smartphone.

3. Update your wardrobe

Anyone who updates their wardrobe for winter and plans their outfits for each day in advance receives a nice bonus – 15 minutes of extra sleep after the alarm goes off. The basis of these looks is high-quality, practical and versatile clothing that looks stylish both on its own and in combination with the bottom layer, be it a classic suit or a sweatshirt and jeans. Megamarket has options from European and foreign brands known for their jackets and coats: Baon, Finn Flare, GEOX, Uniqlo, Strellson, The North Face and others.

As for shoes, they should adapt not only to the image, but also to the weather: for example, Dr. boots Martens can be worn both at plus 5 and at minus 15, if you wear warm socks. And of course, the shopping list should include knitwear that is both warm and pleasant to the body. We’re not just talking about a sweater, but also about a scarf and a hat that you won’t want to take off immediately upon returning from a walk.

4. Plan your trip

Planning the New Year holidays can be quite stressful if you juggle work and household tasks at the same time. It’s not just about buying air tickets, booking a hotel and planning routes, but also about the things you need to take with you: a roomy suitcase, a pillow for flights, a power bank, an instant camera and a new swimsuit if you are flying in the summer. And this is not a complete list.

The ability to buy everything you need in one place greatly simplifies preparing for a trip and often saves not only time, but also money. For example, Megamarket, in addition to regular promotions, discounts and promotional codes, gives SberThanks bonuses, which can be used to pay for your next purchase. The size of the bonuses depends on the cost of the item, the number of items on the receipt and the method of payment.

About author

I pass by being that person liable to duty, but who cannot resist the flights of imagination. I have always loved the legends, the myths and the stories of the old and distant times with my whole being. In high school I fell in love with the history of art and I made it the object of my university studies. Once I graduated, I dusted off an old flame: that of children's literature. I rediscovered the beauty and importance of illustrated books and books, where, to a quality text, images are added that give strength and enrich what is narrated with meaning. It can be said that illustrators often make real works of art! It was then that I decided to follow this passion of mine both as a volunteer, entering the ranks of readers born to read, and in my work as a librarian. I am a greedy devoured of illustrated books (I have an absolute weakness for the stories that have bears or wolves as protagonists!), I love simple stories that know how to strike and surprise. I hate pigeon-holed books in a specific age group and readers in a certain category of readings. I think everyone is different and deserves to choose (and be chosen by the books) without constraints, in complete freedom! [email protected]