
Did you know that your hair can catch a cold? A trichologist advises how to avoid this

Did you know that your hair can catch a cold?  A trichologist advises how to avoid this

Beautiful hair in early spring? Unfortunately, this rarely happens. Usually, after winter, the hair is faded and limp, and if you have a cold, your hairstyle may become noticeably thinner. Preventing problems is not too complicated, but there are a few rules to remember.

Did you know that your hair can catch a cold?  An expert advises how to avoid this

A hat and a hair dryer – most people will probably point to these two culprits of winter hair problems. Partially right, but as usual, the devil is in the details. Anna Mackojć from the Institute of Trichology commented much more and more specifically on this topic. She assured that although the hair does not cough or sneeze, it does catch colds, and giving up a hat and a hair dryer is not what the hair dreams of.

Hair cold – what is it?

A cold in the hair, or more precisely in the hair follicles, may not only negatively affect their appearance, but even lead to hair loss. Hair follicles may become hypoxic, which accelerates the telogen phase.

– As a result, more hair falls out – explains Anna Mackojć, a trichologist from the Institute of Trichology.

Hat – does it harm or help your hair?

Although many elegant women, especially teenage ones, will not like it, the specialist is not an enemy of hats. On the contrary. In her opinion, the basic way to protect hair and scalp against the harmful effects of atmospheric factors, including: frost, is to wear a hat.

– Cold air has a strong impact on the vascularization of the scalp. When we don’t wear a hat, the capillaries, whose very important function is to nourish the hair, shrink and the transfer of nutrients from our bloodstream straight to the hair follicle is limited. This may result in weakening and even hair loss – explains Anna Mackojć.

So where does this widespread scaring of hats and blaming them for everything come from? Choosing the right headgear is crucial.

The hat cannot be too thick or too thin, because it will either make your hair greasy and block its breathing, or it will freeze. Woolen hats seem to be the best choice in winter because they do not overheat your head and the sebaceous glands work properly.

Read also: Just 5 minutes a day and your hair will stop getting greasy. The hat trick is a hit

Dryer – use it or forget it?

– Winter is also not good for longer hair. Due to low temperatures, high outdoor air humidity and the heating season, the hair shaft is usually more dull, weak and frizzy. When leaving the house in winter, remember to dry your hair thoroughly. Wet or damp hair that freezes is more susceptible to breakage, deformation and mechanical damage – warns Anna Mackojć.

Of course, you should not exaggerate with the drying temperature. It is best to use summer air from the dryer. It is not the heat that is bad for your hair, but the air that is too hot.

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