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Diodato’s monologue to Le Iene on the importance of not having to choose between health and work

Diodato's monologue to Le Iene on the importance of not having to choose between health and work
Diodato's monologue to Le Iene on the importance of not having to choose between health and work

The Anniversary of the Liberation of Italy was celebrated on April 25, and the singer Diodato dedicated his monologue to freedom during the television program Le Iene.

Diodato: April 25 at Le Iene

Diodato was a guest on the episode of the Hyenas on April 25, the day in which the Liberation of Italy is celebrated: for the occasion, the singer sang “Bella ciao” together with Belén Rodriguez, Max Angioni, Nathan Kiboba and Eleazaro Rossi. But that’s not all, because another important moment was dedicated to his monologue: the artist focused on the concepts of freedom, health and work, and some problems afflicting his city, Taranto. “Today is April 25, Liberation Day and in just under a week it will be May 1, Labor Day. Two holidays so close and dedicated to something so important, freedom and work”, began the singer.

The monologue: “Forced to choose between work and health”

Diodato wanted to tell his personal experience, to speak to the public throughout Italy of the serious problems that still afflict the world of work today: “I come from a city, Taranto, where there are workers who I would sincerely have difficulty defining free. But not only them: in my city the word freedom is a complex word, for everyone. Perhaps because for many years now we have been asked to choose between two fundamental rights, between work or the environment, and therefore health. What freedom is there in all of this?”

Diodato: “We want to be free”

The singer is the artistic director, together with Michele Riondino and Roy Paci, of an event that is organized every year in Taranto, during which “let’s try to draw a different destiny and say a simple thing, which apparently however is simply complex: we want to be free”. “For ten years I’ve been trying to push away that voice that says to me: can’t you see how small you are, how small and insignificant the life of a human being is, an expendable ant in the face of the power of enormous interests?” concludes the winner of Sanremo 2020 , “Don’t you see that in life it’s just a matter of proportions? After all, you too, while walking down the street blindly pursuing your interests, don’t care about the ants you crush”.

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Hello! I am Sleepy Shockley and I am a student of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies at the State University of Milan. I have always had a great passion for skincare and make-up, especially since I started suffering from a bad late acne about 6 years ago! From that moment I started to take care of my skin in a loving way and to get passionate in a huge way in the fantastic world of skin care. Thanks to my studies, I was able to deepen my passion from a pharmacological and pathological point of view, really learning a lot about the mechanisms that are the basis of the most common skin diseases and skin aging. In my posts I always try to analyze products in a simple and understandable way for everyone, highlighting the properties of the active ingredients so that everyone is able to choose the most suitable ones for himself! I also have great passions for all pets and I love drawing so much in my spare time!