Health and Fitness

Do you really have to weigh more than 50 kilos to donate blood?

Do you really have to weigh more than 50 kilos to donate blood?

While donating blood is a generous act, not everyone is able to do it. Certain criteria must be met, such as a minimum weight. An update on these conditions with Dr Gérald Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens.

While blood reserves are particularly low in Europe, some French people continue to mobilize and donate. Except that blood donation meets very strict rules. In certain situations, it may be postponed or even refused. Update on these contraindications.

Being of legal age and in good health is essential

When an individual goes to a collection point, several selection criteria govern this donation. They are checked, one by one, by the teams on site.

First, the donor must be between 18 and 70 years old. After age 60, however, the first donation must “be subject to the assessment of an EFS doctor“, specifies the French Blood Establishment.

Then, any donor must be in good health. For example, a person positive for Covid-19 can donate blood, provided they are vaccinated and asymptomatic, five days after a test.

Finally, it is possible to donate blood several times a year while respecting a minimum period of 8 weeks between 2 donations.

And because men and women are not equal in everything, men can give up to 6 times a year and women up to 4 times“, further details the French Blood Establishment.

And the weight in all this?

The ESF is clear on this subject: anyone weighing – at least – 50 kg can donate blood.

A “masse” minimum, which would prevent the donor from losing too much blood.

This minimum body weight is vital because a certain amount of blood is taken. And since blood volume depends on body weight, we don’t want to reduce the donor’s blood volume too much. In addition, below 50 kilos, some people appear to be in a state of malnutrition.“, says the medical director of TipsForWomens.

Finally, how can you be sure that you can give?

A online self-assessment questionnaire, created and validated by the French Blood Establishment, allows you to know whether or not you are eligible to donate blood, before going to a collection point. It is therefore better to do it before traveling.“, assures Dr. Gérald Kierzek.