Health and Fitness

Eczema & cold: 4 tips from our dermatologist to soothe your skin

Eczema & cold: 4 tips from our dermatologist to soothe your skin

Cold and friction from clothing can inflame your skin, especially if you are prone to eczema. Dr Caroline Pouget, dermatologist explains to us how to react to best preserve your epidermis in cold weather.

Skin that is tight, itchy and overheated is an effect that people prone to eczema know well. The cold phase that we are going through is not the best for soothing them, because the cold tends to exacerbate the effects of this skin condition. “Winter will indeed cause a few more problems for people affected by eczema. Our skin, a little more dried out at this time, will make the bed of atopic terrain. Lack of hydration can be a precursor to an eczema flare-up. confirms Dr Caroline Pouget, dermatologist and member of the TipsForWomens expert committee.

Prepare your skin for the cold

Suffering from eczema every winter is not inevitable. Dr Pouget explains to us that preparation is possible, from the end of summer, when you know your sensitivity.

“The sun naturally treats eczema, but when it becomes rarer, from the fall, it is possible to do prevention: switch to a cleansing oil, high-fat products, favor short showers and not too much hot, hydrate yourself with milk daily, or even take a course ofOmega 36 et 9 orally for three months to better protect the skin against dryness. When winter arrives, our expert also advises swapping your moisturizing milk for a balm, with a richer texture.

Opt for appropriate care in the event of a crisis

If the damage is done and the eczema outbreak is there, there are also solutions.

“Now is the time to initiate crisis treatment based on dermocorticoids, every evening, to begin with, then gradually spacing out the doses. (We do not stop local corticosteroid therapy suddenly, otherwise the attack will recur quickly).

In terms of skin care, the dermatologist advises moving towards really very rich emollient products, with a “nutribaume” type texture as an initial treatment. “When the crisis is over, we then move on to maintenance treatment, we return to oral omega 3, 6 and 9, we can switch to a less nutritious moisturizing milk, to be applied twice a day.

Take care of your diet and hydration

Creams are not the only solutions at hand. According to the expert, we must not forget to hydrate well in cold weather, even if the feeling of thirst is less felt, “on average 1.5 liters of water per day”. The plate can also make a difference: “It’s time to start eating a diet rich in oils (huile de linof hemp, olive) and season your dishes well with these omega-rich oils. You can also add fatty fish to your diet, which are very good for the skin.

Finally, our expert recognizes a trend that could also be good for your skin, that of marine collagen supplements. “They will not directly affect dryness or eczema, but we have noticed that it affects the quality of the skin, its resistance and that it can help restore the skin barrier, so why not.”

10 natural remedies for eczema

Slide: 10 natural remedies for eczema

Dress yourself in gentleness accordingly

Last advice from our dermatologist: pay attention to what directly touches your skin, clothing. And in winter, it is not necessarily easy to find those that suit your condition. “It is better to wear cotton underwear and rather loose clothing, which limits friction, because there is always a risk of infection when the skin is damaged.

Contrary to what one might think, temperature-regulating clothing, like wool, can increase friction and therefore dryness of the skin. “The key is to wear a layer of cotton, for example, and layer on other warmer clothing that will not be in direct contact with the skin. Don’t forget the balm before getting dressed!” concludes our expert.