Health and Fitness

Find out why electric cars are beneficial for children’s health

Find out why electric cars are beneficial for children's health

The energy transition towards all-electricity in the transport sector could considerably improve the health of children, in particular by reducing the risk of asthma attacks, according to a recent study carried out in the United States.

For the American Lung Association, nearly 2.8 million pediatric asthma attacks could be avoided, thus saving the lives of many infants by 2050, in the United States alone. The reduction in air pollution is obviously the first visible consequence of this energy transition, which therefore has the effect of significantly improving the respiratory health of children and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. This would help eliminate several million cases of upper respiratory symptoms (fatty cough, runny nose, burning eyes) and lower respiratory tract symptoms (coughing, wheezing or chest pain). There are also 147,000 cases of acute bronchitis and 508 cases of infant mortality which could thus be avoided.

Other positive effects should also be noted, starting with the reduction in noise, which can disrupt children’s sleep but also harm their cognitive development. Finally, electric cars are equipped with advanced safety technologies intended to reduce the risk of road accidents, one of the leading causes of death among children. In fact, by opting for an electric car, parents can help protect the environment and the health of their children.

To conduct its study, the American Lung Association took as an (optimistic) hypothesis a transition towards 100% sales of new zero-emission vehicles by 2035 for individuals and by 2040 for utility vehicles and heavy goods vehicles. It also plans for a completely clean electricity grid by 2035.