
GAG circuit: what it is, how it works, the video lesson and the best exercises to tone up your legs, abs and buttocks

GAG circuit: what it is, how it works, the video lesson and the best exercises to tone up your legs, abs and buttocks

The GAG ​​is a famous workout that works legs, abs and glutes which are the 3 “hot” zones for women. In fact, it is a very effective workout that aims to tone the female lower body. The workout can be done with small pieces of equipment (fitness bands, ankle cuffs, etc.) to boost results and tone up the legs, abs and buttocks.

The GAG ​​workout can be done in the gym or at home. Tipsforwomens has chosen for you a circuit of 8 exercises to do with a chair to train at home.

For those who are super trained: the circuit can be done with ankle straps to intensify the exercises and results. For those who already practice aerobic training: this circuit is excellent to do 3 times a week to work the critical areas in a more targeted way.

Important recommendation: during the circuit, focus on your breathing and remember to exhale during the effort and bring your belly in. For all exercises, be careful not to arch your back, but look for the lengthening of the column.

GAG: what is it

G=legs, A=abs, G=buttocks

The GAG ​​is a muscle toning that focuses on the lower body.

Thus, the work involves the abdominal girdle (belly and waist), the buttocks (small, medium and large buttocks) but also the legs (quads, adductors). In fact, they are the areas most exposed to the accumulation of localized fat and represent a problem for 90% of women.

While proper nutrition is essential, these muscles also need to be worked on constantly to keep fat from settling.

Why do the GAG ​​circuit with the chair?

You don’t need to go to the gym and use equipment to play sports, a workout can be effective even if done at home, with natural weight or with the help of objects that you commonly have available at home: the chair is one of these.

In fact, to tone up, you don’t need material, you just need an everyday object, which can help you perform simple and effective physical exercises.

Why the chair? Because everyone has at least one, so you have no excuse not to train! And then because it’s a stable and rigid piece of equipment that will help you improve your balance and stay well aligned with your back. Furthermore, training with the chair is also an optimal solution for those who travel often and cannot join the gym.

Legs, abs and buttocks circuit: benefits

  • improve your physical condition.
  • Boost your muscle mass.
  • Improve your posture.
  • Release the stress.
  • Shape the body.

GAG: how to make the circuit

This program is within everyone’s reach, men and women, beginners and sportsmen, young and old in good health.

It’s a circuit made up of 8 simple but demanding exercises, which require motivation and concentration and which, done consistently, will give you excellent results.

So, the general principle is to repeat the same movement over and over again, or hold the position for 30 seconds and then allow yourself a 30-second recovery time between exercises. The speed of execution must be sustained but not maximal.

How to modulate your training according to your physical form

Depending on your physical preparation, you can do between 20 and 30 repetitions of each exercise during the 30-second effort. You can use a stopwatch to pace yourself and respect your run times and rest times.

If you haven’t played sports for a long time, it’s perfectly fine to do the circuit just once. The important thing is to be constant! But, don’t expect to perform the circuit once a week and have dream glutes or six pack abs. In fact, if you decide to do it only once, train at least 4 times a week!

Instead, for those who are trained: it’s perfectly fine to perform the circuit 3 times a week. After each sequence, take a break for a few minutes and repeat the circuit twice. After 2 weeks, you can switch to 4 repetitions and after a month you will notice the results!

GAG: the video lesson

GAG circuit : training example

Before starting the program, spend at least 5 minutes warming up to avoid injury and to prepare your body and mind for the effort.

In fact, warming up before sport stimulates the heart and lungs and helps them reach their optimal functioning in anticipation of intense exercises. For example, you can do active walking or jumping rope, but a stationary bike or rowing machine, if you have them, are also fine.

Finally, after training, do muscle extension exercises (stretching).

Tips for doing the GAG ​​circuit correctly at home

  • If you have balance problems while exercising, you can place a hand against a wall or use a second chair.
  • Keep your abs active throughout the exercises.
  • Each exercise should last 30 seconds.
  • Work actively and set the pace with dynamic music.
  • Remember to consult with your doctor before starting any sporting activity, to evaluate the entire clinical picture with him and avoid health risks.

The GAG ​​circuit with the best exercises

1 – Step on the chair

Exercise aimed at toning the legs and buttocks, it is also a cardio exercise that raises the heart rate.

Starting position: standing in front of the chair, arms extended at the sides. Bring your left foot to the center of the chair (make sure you have a sturdy chair!)

From this position, push off with your left foot, step onto the chair and back down. He continues the exercise for 30 seconds with the same leg. He arms in opposition to the movement of the legs. He rests for a minute and changes legs.

Recommendations: during the ascent, feel the thrust of the heel well, the toes are light and the knee never goes beyond the foot, it always remains aligned above the heel.

If you have balance problems, for the first few workouts, you can use a lower step.

3 – Leaps

This exercise uses the chair for support and is a great glute workout.

Starting position: standing in front of the chair, place both hands on the edge of the chair. Right leg semi bent and left leg extended. Perform a series of straight leg kicks backwards for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and switch legs. He tries to give rhythm to the exercise.

Recommendations: never rotate the pelvis but try to keep it parallel to the chair. On push-offs, try to keep your leg parallel to the floor. Abdomen active, belly in and back straight but not in extension.

3 – Exercise for the legs: squat on one leg

This exercise aims at toning the quadriceps and calf muscles.

Starting position: standing in front of the chair, bring the left foot to the center of the chair, placing only the heel on it. Support leg extended. Arms along the body. Bend your right leg into a squat, bringing your arms out in front. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement for 30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds and switch legs.

Recommendations: If you have balance problems, you can lean a hand against the wall or use a second chair.

4 – Exercise for the buttocks: the plié

Starting position: standing start, turn the back of the chair towards you and place your hands on it. Active core and straight torso. Spread your legs beyond shoulder-width apart and rotate your toes to 45 degrees. Taking light support on your hands, lift your heels off the ground, legs straight. Keeping on your toes, do a plié with both legs bent.

The torso must remain perpendicular to the floor. Come back up, extending your legs and remaining on your toes.

Recommendations: The chair helps you keep your balance but don’t hang on! It’s the push that helps you get back up. It is very important to keep the torso straight and the abs contracted.

When descending, bending the knees follow the direction of the toes: never push them in! Contract the buttocks on the ascent. If you suffer from calf cramps, you can do the exercise with your heels on the ground.

5 – GAG: exercise for glutes, Bulgarian lunge

It is one of the best exercises for developing the back of the legs and buttocks.

Starting position: standing start, back to the chair, place the instep of the foot on the chair, left leg extended. Lunge, bringing right knee perpendicular to heel, arms forward to aid movement, and come back up. Perform lunges with your left leg for 30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds and switch legs.

Recommendations: the leg to bend is the leg that stays on the chair while the support leg flexes accordingly, not the other way around.

In the ascent, push up with the support leg without fully extending it.

6 – Abs exercise: reverse crunch

This exercise is great for toning the rectus abdominis and especially the lower abs.

Starting position: place a towel or mat on the floor next to the chair and lie down with your back on the floor. Reach your arms back and grip the legs of the chair. Inhale and, exhaling, lift your pelvis off the floor by pushing your legs towards the ceiling.

The oscillation is minimal, the pelvis rises because it is pulled by the abdomen, you don’t have to feel the strain on your back. Return to the starting position and repeat the reverse crunch for 30 seconds.

Recommendations: do not work on the speed of execution but focus attention on the correct execution. When you grip the legs of the chair, squeeze your arms together as if you want to bring them together to counteract the tendency to pull the chair towards you.

7 – Exercise for the rectus abdominis

This sequence works the rectus muscle in isometry, which…

About author

My name is Angela Cannovale, I really enjoy helping people find happiness and feel good about themselves. I think that feeling good is important because it helps you do well in life. To me, being healthy is not just about lifting weights. It involves taking care of your body by doing things like stretching, warming up, eating healthy food, and getting enough rest and sleep. I love showing others what their bodies can do with a little bit of effort. My goal is to help you achieve a happy and balanced lifestyle that will keep you healthy in the future.
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