
Hair loss is not only a cosmetic problem. Be sure to do this research

Hair loss is not only a cosmetic problem.  Be sure to do this research

Hair loss is a problem that not only affects our self-esteem and appearance, but also may be a signal that something disturbing is happening in our body. Although hair loss is a natural process, sometimes it becomes pathological, signaling potential health problems.

Hair falling out in handfuls?  Be sure to do this research

Before reaching for various anti-hair loss preparations or expensive cosmetics, it is worth understanding that there are many factors that can cause excessive hair loss. What tests should we perform when our hair starts falling out in handfuls?

Causes of hair loss

Before we start solving a problem, we need to understand its roots. Hair loss can have various sources, and identifying the correct cause is the key to effective treatment. Below are the most common factors contributing to excessive hair loss:

  • Genetic factors: For some people, a genetic predisposition may be the main cause of baldness. If there is a family history of hair loss, we are more likely to be susceptible to this problem.
  • Improper diet and nutritional deficiencies: Our hair needs the right amount of nutrients to be healthy and strong. Vitamin, mineral and protein deficiencies can lead to excessive hair loss.
  • Hormonal disorders: Hormones play a key role in hair health. Hormonal disorders such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can negatively affect their condition.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: Some gastrointestinal diseases can hinder the absorption of essential nutrients, which can lead to hair loss.
  • Medication use: Some medications, such as retinoids, antiepileptic medications, and abrupt discontinuation of oral contraceptives, may affect hair loss.
  • Stress: High levels of stress and tension can lead to excessive hair loss. This is especially visible in the case of the so-called telogen effluvium, which often appears after periods of significant stress.
  • Scalp diseases: Bacterial, parasitic and fungal infections of the scalp can weaken hair and contribute to hair loss.
  • Autoimmune diseases: Some autoimmune diseases, such as alopecia areata, can affect the health of your hair.
  • Improper hair care: Frequent use of aggressive cosmetics, hot drying or frequent hair dyeing may contribute to their weakening.

Hair loss – what tests?

To find out the source of the problem and choose appropriate treatment methods, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct appropriate tests. Here are some of the tests that help identify the cause of excessive hair loss:

  • Blood composition tests: Determining the level of total protein, albumin and prealbumin in the blood can provide information about the body’s nutrition.
  • Iron tests: Blood count, free iron level, ferritin, TIBC (total iron binding capacity) and transferrin can help rule out or confirm iron deficiency.
  • Testing the levels of other nutrients: Testing the levels of zinc, copper, vitamin B7 (biotin), folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin D may reveal possible deficiencies or excesses.
  • Hormonal tests: Hormone tests such as TSH (thyrotropin), fT4 (free thyroxine), ft3 (free triiodothyronine), and anti-TPO and anti-TG antibodies will help rule out hormonal problems, especially those related to the thyroid.
  • Cortisol level tests: If you suspect that stress may be causing your hair loss, testing your blood cortisol levels can provide information on this issue.

Consulting a doctor and performing appropriate tests is crucial to identify the cause of hair loss and implement effective treatment. It is also worth remembering that hair loss may be the result of a combination of various factors, so an accurate diagnosis is crucial.

How to deal with hair loss?

Hair loss is a problem that can affect any of us. Regardless of the cause, it is worth taking appropriate steps to understand why hair is falling out and how to deal with it effectively. Blood tests and hormone tests are important diagnostic tools that help identify the source of the problem. Let us remember that excessive hair loss not only affects our self-esteem, but may also be a signal of other health problems. Therefore, do not delay a medical consultation and do not underestimate this problem. With proper diagnosis and therapy, we can restore health and shine to our hair.

Let’s also remember about proper hair care and taking care of our diet, providing the body with the necessary nutrients. A healthy lifestyle, avoiding stress and regular examinations can help keep your hair beautiful and strong for many years. If we notice excessive hair loss, do not hesitate to consult a doctor who will help us find the best solution for our case.

Source: Health Guide