
Have you thought about a Christmas gift for your pet?

Have you thought about a Christmas gift for your pet?

Although the holidays are fast approaching, there is still enough time to make a nice present… for your pet. Because these little creatures have become, over the years, full members of the family. No wonder we want to spoil them at Christmas, by giving them gifts that should please them.

This desire to please their little companion during the holidays is widely shared by the French, according to a study by Rover*. More than half of those surveyed will slip a surprise for their furball under the tree. A small part plans to offer them several (15%).

“Pet parents” who want to please their animals have planned an average budget of 24 euros. This is more than last year (22 euros), which is surprising given the increase in the cost of living. Furthermore, more than a quarter of French people admit to having already spent more money on a gift for their little companion than for a member of their family.

This desire to spoil pets for the holidays is explained by the fact that many owners attribute to them emotions specific to humans. Thus, 41% of French people think that their ball of fur or feathers is even more grateful than some of their loved ones, when they offer them a little attention. A third of them are happy when they see their dog or cat showing interest in the toy or treats they gave them.

Favor useful gifts

But do animals feel joy at the idea of ​​also being entitled to a gift for Christmas? The question is still debated. Indeed, the scientific community remains cautious about the capacity of dogs, cats, birds and hamsters to experience complex emotions and feelings. However, it is a safe bet that the animal becomes animated in front of its gifts because it perceives the pleasure that it brings to its master.

If toys remain the French people’s favorite gift, many of them offer treats to their faithful companion for Christmas. Others prefer to buy them a brand new kennel or basket to ensure their comfort. Grooming and other care products for dogs and cats are also all the rage for the holidays, as are connected objects.

In general, it is better to favor useful gifts that take into account the character of the animal and its lifestyle habits. This way, we will avoid giving a dog ball, no matter how beautiful it may be, to a cat. In fact, our mustachioed friends are often smaller than doggies. They will therefore have difficulty playing with accessories that are too heavy or bulky. For indoor dogs, we are happy to offer stimulation toys such as a digging mat, interactive puzzles or “dog-friendly” puzzles.

*This study was conducted by Rover, the large global network of pet-sitters, with a panel of 1000 dog and cat owners. Data was collected on November 17, 2023.

About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]