
What happened to these hands? A homemade mask will bring them back to life. Only two ingredients

What happened to these hands?  A homemade mask will bring them back to life.  Only two ingredients

Do your hands feel like a grater after Christmas cleaning? You will find an effective medicine in your own kitchen. You only need two ingredients. Perhaps one will be left after a good breakfast. The second one is a proven ingredient in infusions that calm down and improve digestion. As a team, they will create an excellent cosmetic.

What happened to these hands?  A homemade mask will bring them back to life.  Only two ingredients

Oatmeal has many valuable health-promoting properties. When introduced into the diet, they will delay the effects of aging, support intestinal function, lower cholesterol levels and improve glycemia in people who have impaired glucose tolerance. It turns out that your skin can also benefit from their properties, not necessarily only when you use them from the inside. If you combine the power of oats with chamomile, the effect may really surprise you.

Oatmeal and chamomile – why it will help your skin

Sensitive, atopic skin most often requires professional care, selected by an allergist or dermatologist.

However, if your skin is unnaturally irritated and dry due to treatment with strong detergents, irritating cleaning substances, or simply staying in water for too long, which has a drying effect, you will most likely cope with the problem on your own.

our grandmothers trusted the power of oatmeal for their hands. You can try it out too. Oatmeal acts as a gentle exfoliant – it helps to gently remove dead skin. At the same time, they will also cleanse the skin.

The skin of your hands should also become elastic and the remaining layers of the epidermis should be regenerated. This is due to the externally applied B vitamins, mucous substances and minerals: sulfur, phosphorus, calcium and silicon.

Mild chamomile has a disinfecting and soothing effect, so it will support the oats in their action.

How to make a homemade oat and chamomile mask for your hands


  • 2 tablespoons of oat flakes,
  • 3 tablespoons of water,
  • a tablespoon of corn flour or corn starch,
  • chamomile tea bag.

Brew the tea and set aside to cool.

Meanwhile, mix the oatmeal and cornflour.

Add chamomile infusion to the mixture (enough to create a plastic mass) and mix again.

Apply the mask to your hands. Leave for several minutes.

Oat and chamomile mask – expect these effects

A homemade mask for dry hands with chamomile and petals should soothe irritations, restore smoothness and softness to the skin, and slightly brighten the skin color. If the mask does not help, it is worth looking for the primary cause of hand skin sensitivity, e.g. to rule out an allergy.