Health and Fitness

How much do you spend on mutual health insurance based on your age?

How much do you spend on mutual health insurance based on your age?

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Good health insurance is essential, whatever your age. However, you should know that contributions increase as the years go by. What are the causes ? How much does your health insurance cost based on your age?

Focus on mutual health insurance

Taking out mutual health insurance is not compulsory, but is necessary to supplement Social Security reimbursements. This is effectively a contract which covers part or all of the health expenses. Note that the level of mutual health insurance coverage varies depending on the plan. Basically, you benefit from reimbursements on consultations with a general practitioner or specialist, medications, hospitalization as well as optical, dental and hearing care. For their part, more comprehensive packages provide additional services, but are also more expensive. In addition to higher reimbursements, they authorize, for example, consultations with practitioners of alternative medicine.

However, you should know that coverage is not the only element considered when determining the amount of the contribution. Companies also take into account your professional situation, your place of residence, the amount of your income, the number of people to cover, etc. Generally speaking, a senior pays more for their health insurance than a young person, knowing that they require more medical care. Whatever your situation, you can find the offer that suits you via sites like

Why do premiums increase with age?

As mentioned previously, mutual insurance for the elderly costs more than that for young people. For good reason, health spending increases with age following a natural and inevitable deterioration in health. As you must know, vision and hearing problems are common at a certain age. Most often, seniors therefore opt for more comprehensive plans with more guarantees capable of covering their medical expenses.

It should also be noted that the amount of premiums increases every 5 years for an individual mutual insurance company. On the other hand, age does not influence the amount of contributions to a collective mutual insurance subscribed by the employer. This same contract can support you when you retire, with the difference that the company only pays 50% of the premium. This involves additional expenses to pay out of your pocket.

What is the average for mutual health insurance?

The insurance premium refers to the amount paid annually by the insured in exchange for coverage. In addition to the factors mentioned above, the disengagement of Social Security as well as the evolution of government taxes also influence the amount of premiums. According to data collected by on 353,409 requests, the average cost of mutual health insurance amounts to €953.66. So you can pay less or more depending on your situation.

How much does mutual health insurance cost based on age?

Generally speaking, a person aged 18 to 24 pays less for their mutual insurance given the low level of risk. Allow for an annual contribution of €400 or so. This equates to a deviation of almost 57% below the average.

A subject aged 25 to 34 pays around €630 depending on their profile and geographic area. Although this contribution is higher than that of young people, the amount remains 33.29% lower than the average cost of mutual health insurance.

Between 35 and 44 years old, mutual insurance generally amounts to a little less than €1,000 (or €983.42). At this stage, a difference of 3% compared to the average premium is noticed. This means that the amount of contributions tends to increase in the forties bracket.

At over 45 years old, the health insurance premium has a gap of almost 15%, which means that you must plan on around €1,100 in annual contributions.

As mentioned earlier, older people pay the most. To benefit from good coverage between the ages of 55 and 64, plan on €1,188, or almost 25% more than the average contribution. From the age of 65, the gap rises to more than 50%, knowing that the annual premium is estimated at around €1,450.

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