Health and Fitness

Is your doctor not listening to you? Here are 5 effective techniques to get his attention

Is your doctor not listening to you?  Here are 5 effective techniques to get his attention

In video or in the office, you sometimes have difficulty communicating your ideas. So how do you make yourself heard by your doctor? Ingenious tips from Dr. Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens, to never leave a consultation frustrated again.

Everything is fine, there is nothing“, “you are too anxious“…Have you ever sometimes not felt listened to – or even understood – by your doctor? If this situation seems rather banal, it can nevertheless be experienced badly. So, how do you make yourself heard by your doctor? And how to react to a lack of listening? Dr Kierzek, medical director of TipsForWomens, mischievously gives us some tips.

To be polite

Needless to say : “Being polite to your doctor is the BABA“, recalls Dr. Kierzek. Being civilized, well-mannered, courteous, allows you to exchange fluidly – and even more so to make the moment pleasant.

Politeness also creates a climate of trust allowing the doctor-patient relationship to last over time.

Let your doctor speak

Letting the other person express themselves without interrupting them seems obvious. And yet: many patients cut themselves off, out of impatience or to impose their opinion. A serious mistake, according to Dr. Kierzek. “Letting your doctor speak is essential. It is a communication relationship, which revolves, alternately, around a transmitter and a receiver.“. Just as the doctor must let the patient speak!

Don’t constantly counter him

Another easy tip to implement: do not oppose the other, who – as a reminder – is there to help you. “Constantly countering him is definitely a bad idea“, assures the medical director of TipsForWomens. It is better to argue and calmly explain why you are coming, what the symptoms are, trying to be precise and concise.

Do not bring up “diseases seen on the Internet” at the first opportunity

Dr. Kierzek reminds us, not without humor, that there is no point in drawing out the list of potential diseases unearthed on the Internet. “Your general practitioner will know better than anyone how to guide you and reassure you. That’s his role. Wait a bit before showing him the printed page of TipsForWomens“.

Bring him a summary of your exams

Please note, this summary should not be too exhaustive. “You should neither arrive with a huge file (since your birth…), nor with nothing at all. Sorting your medical examinations in advance is important, so that you can take a summary “summary” of your history to your doctor.“, relates Dr. Kierzek.

Consultation: what are these procedures performed by your doctor for?

Slide: Consultation: what are these procedures performed by your doctor for?