
How often should you trim your hair? Famous hair stylists reveal the details

How often should you trim your hair?  Famous hair stylists reveal the details

Beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of many women. Unfortunately, growing hair is often troublesome, especially when we have weak, thin and brittle hair. Then the question arises of how often to cut your hair to strengthen it. It turns out that the answer to this question is not clear. Famous stylists reveal the details.

How often should you trim your hair?  Famous hair stylists reveal the details

Irinel de León and Laura Polko are two famous hairstylists who care about the image of stars. They explained on VOGUE that the question of how often hair is cut is not so obvious. They also revealed the difference between cutting and trimming, and this type of information may be useful for people who want to grow their hair.

How often should you cut your hair? The answer is: it depends

Although simple solutions are the best, not every question can be answered in a universal way. An example is the issue of cutting hair. Irinel de León, a famous hair stylist, points out that a lot depends on the type of hair and individual needs.

However, de Leon explains that regularity is very important to maintain the good condition of the hair. This makes it easier to avoid drying and breaking of the ends. How often to trim your hair is largely determined by its length.

It turns out that the shorter the hair, the more visits to the salon it requires. This is all due to the fact that if you decide on a bob, its shape will start to change and corrections will be necessary to maintain the original version.

Stylists emphasize that in the case of medium-length hair, hair should be cut every 12 weeks. This makes it easier to keep the strands in a healthy condition. In the case of long hair, what is important is its initial condition. If your hair is frizzy and your ends are split, it is best to visit your hairdresser every 8 or 10 weeks. Healthy hair can wait up to 12 weeks for another cut.

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How often should you cut your hair? Choose the option for yourself

The type of hair is also important. Laura Polko explains that thin hair grows slower and looks damaged faster, so the best solution is to trim it every 6 or 8 weeks. Another indicator may be the moment when they start to tangle slightly.

Thick hair does not require such frequent intervention because it is more resistant to external factors and damage. Hence, you only need to trim them every 8 or 12 weeks. For curly hair, it is recommended to trim your hair every six or eight weeks to maintain the curl and prevent breakage. Stylists also explain that there is a difference between a haircut and trimming. Namely, if you want to trim only from one to two centimeters, it is worth emphasizing to the hairdresser that you want it trimmed.

This technique allows you to get rid of the most damaged ends without losing the length. Trimming is also useful when your hairstyle starts to lose its shape. However, a haircut takes away more of your hair’s length, so it all depends on what effect you want to achieve.

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