
I mix two tablespoons with water and rinse my hair. Dandruff is no longer a problem

I mix two tablespoons with water and rinse my hair.  Dandruff is no longer a problem

Dandruff is a problem that many people struggle with. Unsightly white particles falling from the hair are not anyone's dream. Additionally, itchy scalp and seborrhea. Fortunately, there are home remedies that will help us combat this problem.

I mix two tablespoons with water and rinse my hair.  Dandruff is no longer a problem

Causes of dandruff. There are different types

White patches falling on the shoulders, neck and cleavage are not welcomed by anyone. Unfortunately, dandruff is an extremely common scalp problem. It often occurs due to ignorance and inadequate scalp care. The most common causes include:

  • dry scalp
  • Imprecise rinsing of shampoos and conditioners
  • rubbing too hard while washing
  • overheating of the scalp
  • washing too rarely
  • stress
  • hormonal disorders
  • diseases, e.g. psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis.

There are two most common types of dandruff: dry and oily. The former is not accompanied by increased seborrhea, unlike the latter. Oily pityriasis is a more severe type of dry pityriasis. In addition to large flakes, you may notice greasy, yellowish fragments of the epidermis resembling scabs on the skin. Another type of dandruff may be cosmetic dandruff. It results from improper care. Peels that thoroughly cleanse the scalp are helpful in getting rid of it. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to determine the type of dandruff on your own, not to mention the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, it is worth going to a specialist dermatologist-trichologist. The expert will help us find the cause and name the problem, and tell us how to best get rid of this frustrating problem.

Home remedies for dandruff. Quick, easy and natural

Fortunately, home remedies can also help us in the fight against dandruff. However, we must be careful not to cause more problems. However, we would like to remind you that in cases of more serious types of this problem, home remedies will not replace a specialist approach.

When it comes to home remedies for dandruff, olive oil is worth considering. It not only cleanses but also moisturizes the hair and is great for treating dry scalp. Just heat one or two tablespoons of olive oil and massage it into your scalp. Leave it for 2-3 hours and then wash it off with a delicate shampoo. This method should be used twice a week.

Egg can also deal with dandruff. This method is perfect for people with very oily hair. Just separate the yolk from the white and then beat it. Mix everything together and apply the prepared mixture to the scalp and leave for about 30 minutes. After this time, wash it off thoroughly.

However, one of the most popular ways to fight dandruff is apple cider vinegar. All thanks to the high content of vitamin E, an oxidant. This vinegar also has fungicidal properties. Thanks to this, it removes dandruff and restores balance to the scalp. Just pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar into a glass of lukewarm water and stir well. We rinse our hair with this mixture once a week.

In the end