
Massage into the scalp once a week. A flood of new hair guaranteed

Massage into the scalp once a week.  A flood of new hair guaranteed

The problem of hair loss affects many people. Both men and women, taking care of their appearance, dream of lush hair. However, before you decide on expensive treatments, try natural methods thanks to which more hair will appear and the hairstyle will be shiny.

Massage into the scalp once a week.  A flood of new hair guaranteed

Home remedies for beautiful hair are very popular. More and more people reach for natural solutions so as not to burden the body with an additional dose of artificial substances. However, the proportions are important so as not to dry the scalp. Apple cider vinegar can be extremely effective.

Lotion for hair growth. Try apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many uses. It is most often used by people who want to enrich the intestinal flora with the necessary bacterial cultures or lower blood sugar levels. Nevertheless, this type of solution also affects the condition of the skin and hair.

The acidic reaction helps to regulate the pH of the skin, thanks to which people struggling with dandruff can easily get rid of the problem with an apple cider vinegar rinse. The anti-inflammatory properties of vinegar soothe the skin and promote care and add a natural glow to the hair.

Thanks to the cleansing effect of apple cider vinegar, you will get rid of excess sebum and unblock the hair follicles, which will directly contribute to their growth.

Homemade apple cider vinegar for hair

The key to an effective lotion for hair growth is proportions. Therefore, before you reach for apple cider vinegar, prepare the mixture so that it does not harm your scalp. Also remember that care should be done after washing your hair.

Prepare two glasses of boiled and cooled water. Add three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix thoroughly. Then rinse your hair in this solution by rubbing it into your scalp. You can also use a pipette and sprinkle the scalp thoroughly and massage the lotion in circular motions to stimulate circulation. Detangle the strands gently and leave for 10 minutes. After this time, rinse your head with lukewarm water. Use the treatment once or twice a week.