
Nearly half of French people broach this unusual subject during a first meeting

Nearly half of French people broach this unusual subject during a first meeting

Considered taboo, this particular subject is nevertheless often brought up during first romantic dates. In fact, almost half of the French are talking about it.

As Valentine’s Day approaches, the French company Rosaly conducted a survey of 2,801 people, asking them about their relationship between love and money. Why this survey? Rosaly supports companies in improving the financial well-being of their employees. The founders of this company wish to better understand the problems of the French as well as their ability to talk about money, with the aim of improving their services. The founder, Arbia Smiti, wonders if “Money is an element of seduction or discord”. Discover the trends of the French when it comes to money within their relationship.

Money, as a subject of a first date for almost half of French people

Wondering what topics are typically discussed on first dates? The survey reveals that 47% of French people discuss money, which corresponds to almost one in two couples. However, they do not all express it in the same way.

9% are proud to have a very good financial situation, with twice as many men as women in this case (13% versus 6%). 14% of French people do not hide their financial situation, whether it is good or bad. 24% remain evasive and do not give exact amounts regarding their finances. Finally, 53% do not want to bring up the subject of money at all during a first meeting. Among this last category, 20% do not wish to talk about it by choice (with a greater proportion of women than men) and 33% because they do not have a good situation in their opinion.

A subject often embellished by lies

The first date is THE time to make a good impression. In general, the French seek above all to please and do not hesitate to use small exaggerations regarding their financial well-being.

According to the survey, 67% of French people declared that they exaggerate the amount of their salary, with a much higher proportion among men who are 77% compared to 44% among women. Women are more honest than men. 44% of them never overestimate their salary compared to 23% of men.

Sometimes, little lies are actually linked to difficulties communicating on the subject. In fact, 52% of women and 59% of men say they have already hidden their financial problems from their partner, due to a lack of comfort and communication on this subject.

Moreover, money is a main cause of quarrels within couples. 81% of French people admit to arguing over financial issues. Women are more sensitive to it because 46% of them do it often, compared to 38% of men.

Does your partner’s bank account matter?

Still in 2024, women are often paid less than men! Thus, the latter are generally more “accustomed” to living with someone who earns less than them. According to the results of the survey, 93% of men say that it is not a problem for them that their partner earns little money. Specifically, 54% are absolutely not bothered by this and 39% consider that there is a certain limit.

However, women are of the opposite opinion and say they cannot live with someone who earns little money. The study specifies that this choice is surely linked to the need to increase the couple’s purchasing power in the face of salary inequalities.

The French will do anything to give their other half a nice gift. Especially in Normandy!

When it comes to giving the ideal gift on Valentine’s Day (and other occasions of course), the French are generous… and sometimes too generous! In fact, according to the survey, more than 64% of men and 52% of women are ready to go out in the open to please their other half. Furthermore, the results show differences depending on the region. The most spenders would then be the Normans (5% above the national average), followed by inhabitants of the Grand-Est region then those of the Centre-Val de Loire region. Conversely, the least spenders are the inhabitants of Corsica, the DROM-COM followed by the inhabitants of Hauts-de-Europe.

About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]