Health and Fitness

Rabbits, forgotten Vitale cards… Here are the bad habits of patients that harm the health system

Rabbits, forgotten Vitale cards... Here are the bad habits of patients that harm the health system

Are the French poor students when it comes to health? Yes, according to Health Insurance, which wishes to alert patients to these “bad individual behaviors” which are harmful to the good health of our healthcare system.

A few days ago, Health Insurance launched a campaign to encourage patients to “to become aware of the impact of their individual behaviors on the functioning of the health system”. Update on this announcement.

The bad attitude of the French affects “the activity of practitioners”

While two out of three French people believe they have recourse “reasonable“to the health system, in fact, almost 42% of them declare”at least one misuse in the last 12 months”.

5% of French people also recognize “at least one appointment not honored or canceled in the last year” ; which represents several million lost consultations.

Forgetting the Vitale card would concern “6% of medical appointments, or 570,000 consultations per week“, specifies the organization.

Faced with this bad behavior, Health Insurance wanted to remind people in its new campaign of “the good reflexes” to have, as does:

  • To cancel “health appointments that cannot be keptr”, so that the slot benefits other patients;
  • To systematically call 15 in the event of a medical emergency if your doctor is not available“in order to benefit from the most appropriate guidance and avoid needlessly going to the emergency room;
  • To remember to take your Vitale card during your health appointments“, in order to avoid administrative procedures for yourself and the healthcare professional.

Three films of less than 20 seconds – referring to these situations – accompany these key messages. The idea is that patients take “aware of their behavior, without making them feel guilty”, adds Health Insurance.

“The patient has rights but also duties”

If access to care represents one of the major public health challenges, the proper functioning of the health system “is also everyone’s business“, specifies the campaign.

An observation shared by Dr. Kierzek.

The health system is made up of rights and duties. As a patient, we have the right to have a doctor, but we also have duties. Beyond the loss of earnings for the practitioner, when we stand up, we take someone’s place. In life, you must therefore respect your commitments. You must prepare for your consultation, bring your papers (children’s health records, medical exams, etc.) and arrive on time: it is a question of respect for the practitioner“, recalls the medical director of TipsForWomens.